"You can't change your path if you go this way."

"I... I'm fine with that."

He sighed again. "If that's so, then we'll arrange the papers and get you a plane ticket as soon as possible."

"Yes, dad."

After that, dad went back to his computer and typed some things. I stood there, out of place, and wondered whether I should leave or not. I took a step back and was just about to turn to the door when dad called me.

"Miyoung,", he spoke.

"Yes?", I said in a high-pitched voice.

He smiled before taking a second to speak again. "I'm sorry it had to end this way but," He bowed his head to me. "Thank you for loving my son."

I smiled back at him despite my bitter feelings. "No, thank you for having a wonderful son." Then, I exited the room since I couldn't cope with the pain my heart was feeling at that moment.

--Back to Present--

"I'm ready to go as well.", I said. 

Mom and Soonyoung were obviously confused. It hurts me to be smiling happily as I'm about to leave them for a very long time. Soonyoung grabbed on to my shoulder.

"What are you saying?" He scoffed. "I'm the only one leaving today."

"I'm afraid not.", Dad said. "It's only Miyoung who's leaving us."

"Mwo? Yah, what's happening here? You're kidding, right?" Soonyoung shook me as he spoke. I'm trying hard to keep my feelings concealed.

"I'm sorry.", I told him.

"Why are you saying sorry?"

"I'm sorry for taking your place. You'll stay here in Korea, while I'll be the one studying in America. I asked dad to do this."

"Why did you?", he asked. His eyes were watering and I looked away to stop mine from doing it, too. He was shaking me back and forth. "You can't go alone there. That place is not for you to go. You can't leave me here."

"But I want to. I'm going."

"You're lying. You really don't want to. You're just doing this because you think it's better."

"Maybe I am, but I mean it when I say I'm going. So, let me be."

Soonyoung was about to say something else but dad stops him. "Soonyoung, you heard her.", dad said.

Soonyoung lets go of me. Mom walks towards me with a worried expression. She holds on to my hands and squeezes it tight. "If that's what you decided, then I'll respect it.", she said. "But please, take care of yourself." It was enough. I was assured mom understands why. She hugged me real tight. I did so, too, since this will be the last time in a while that I'll be with her.

"Well, Miyoung, I guess we have to go if you don't want to miss your flight.", dad said, breaking me and mom apart. He picked up two of my bags.

I smiled bitterly. "Well, don't want that to happen." I picked up a bag of my own and walked over to dad's side.

"Wait,", Soonyoung said. "Can I go with her instead?" Dad looked at him without an expression, then looked at me. I turned away, not sure what to do. "Even if it's just until the gate?"

"Well, since you volunteered...", dad said. My eyes widened and my heart suddenly started pounding.

Dad handed the bags over to Soonyoung, then went to mom. Mom linked arms with him. "Shall we go?", Soonyoung asked me.

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