Snow, Initiation, and Nightmares!

Start from the beginning

"O.M.G! I love you guys! You're Robin! And you're Kid Flash! You're Aqualad!" she squeals. "You guys are who inspired me to become a hero!" She tries to contain her excitement. "Sorry! I'm Raquel Ervin aka Rocket! This is my mentor Icon." She gestures to the man. "I'm sure I'd look up to the rest of you too... if I knew who you were. Sorry... I'm rambling... I'm just so excited to finally meet you."

"It's fine," Kaldur reassures. "I can imagine how excited you are and I am glad that you look up to us. My name is Kaldur'ahm, but my friends call me Kaldur. I'm the leader of this team, for now."

He shakes her hand. "For now?" she questions. He just gives her a smile in return.

"I'm Kid Flash, but you knew that," Wally says. "You can call me Wally."

"Nice to meet you," Robin says.

"Call me Artemis."

"Hi! I'm Miss Martian, but my real name is M'gann M'orzz and my human name is Megan Morse. Call me whichever. It's nice to meet you! I'm so glad we have another girl on the team."

"I'm Zatanna Zatara, both on and off the field."

"Conner Kent or Superboy, doesn't really matter." He points to Wolf. "And this is Wolf."

"Nice to meet all of you," Raquel smiles.

"Now that you've all been introduced, hang around awhile," Batman says. "Icon and I here have some work to do."

"We'll be back later," Icon speaks. "It was nice to meet you."

The two head out the zeta-tubes.

"So, I have a question," Raquel says.

"I assume you have many," Kaldur says.

"Well, those can wait," she sighs. "I-I wanted to know if this place is haunted?"

"Haunted?" Robin cackles. "Why do you think that?"

"I saw a girl go through a wall!"

The three ghosts try not to giggle.

"That's strange," Megan comments. "Conner, Zatanna, and I live here and we've never seen anything like that."

Spook nudges her brother to make an appearance.

"So, are there anymore team members?" she asks.

"One, Red Arrow," Wally says. "I think he's out with GA right now."


"The shortened term for Green Arrow," Robin says. "Like Black Canary is BC and Red Tornado is RT. Miss Martian we call Miss M or MM sometimes."

"Or Superboy we call Supey," Wally adds, getting an eye roll from said boy.

Phantom appears behind the team and floats through a nearby wall.

Raquel gasps and points her finger. "I-I just saw a white haired boy! He-he was floating and went through a wall!"

Everyone turns to look only to see no one.

"Was the girl you saw also white haired?" Robin asks.


"That's weird," Conner comments.

"I wonder why we haven't seen anybody like that," Zatanna ponders, tapping her chin.

"You're probably just imagining things," Wally blows off.

"I couldn't be," Raquel huffs. "I've seen two!"

"How about we give you a tour of the cave?" Artemis suggests.

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