Vic's POV

I let out a miserable sigh as I watched Kellin walk away and ran a hand through my hair. I didn't know what to do anymore.  This was all too much and I couldn't take it. I made a mistake and I just wanted my best friend back. I thought if I tried to move on from him, I'd be happier but it was like it just made everything so much worse.

"Was he bugging you again?" Emily asked, sliding her hand in mine.

"What? No."

"I told him to stay away from you the other night, because honestly, he's pathetic," she laughed and kissed my cheek. "Anyway baby, I have a calc test so I better get to class. I'll see you later."

I wanted to say something to her but I couldn't. I didn't know what to say. I needed to fix everything. I just didn't know how. Every time I tried to talk to Kellin he told me to go away or Emily nagged at me and I didn't know how to break it off with Emily. She was a nice girl, just jealous of my relationship with Kellin.   This was all too hard to even wrap my head around sometimes.  I started walking to class when I saw a familiar red head walking to his class.

"Alan! Wait up!"

He stopped and turned around with a sigh, "what?"

I bit my lip. "I want to tell Kellin how I feel about him. But, I don't know how, and I don't know how I can just break up with Emily. She told me she loves me and she's expecting me to say it back sooner or later."

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Seriously?"

"Yes. But, he won't even talk to me," I whined.

"Give him some fucking space, Jesus Christ Vic do you have any idea what the idiot's been going through the past couple of months?"

"No I don't."

"He's been through hell, from what I understand his parents have both been awol, both of his best friends got in relationships with people who either hates his guts or he thinks hates his guts," Alan said, crossing his arms. "The guy who is supposed to be there for him for everything literally chose his girlfriend over him when he really felt like everything was falling apart and you know what Vic? She's gone up to him and called him pathetic and told him you hate him twice now. One of the times he literally recorded her saying it. So give him some space, you're just making it that much harder on him."

"I wanna fix this," I told him feeling terrible. I didn't know I hurt him this bad. I thought I had been doing the right thing by trying to move on from him but I never realized how much it hurt him. "I didn't realize that it was hurting him this much by distancing myself from him."

"Well you're a dumbass because you should have known that since you were his best friend. You fucked up and you gotta live with that."

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "Do you think there's anyway I can fix this without breaking anyone's heart?"


I deflated. "Really?"

Alan pursed his lips and gave me a look. "Alright, before your bitch of a girlfriend went off on him at the drive in, he had a plan to break you and Emily up-for his own reasons. If you give him a little space and maybe let him see how miserable you are with Emily he'll go on with the plan but leave him alone for a bit, Vic. He really needs to get some shit together before he can do anything."

"How long should I wait?"

"If I tell you something, do you promise on your life you will never, ever tell him I told you?"

"I promise."

"Kellin loves you too and that's why this has been so hard for him. So I say, give him about two weeks at most and he's probably going to go back to his plan to break you and Emily up because I can guarantee that he's going to hate seeing you two together and from what I know, if he finds out you're not as happy with her as you make it look, he's going to intervene and the way his plan is set up, it'll make her end up dumping you."

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