Chapter 30: Broken Promises and Birthday Wishes

Start from the beginning

"Why?" was all he said. He ran the pad of his thumb over the other eight scars, sighing before meeting her eyes.

"I just broke down. I couldn't take it. I know I promised Dean but then I started to remember and I couldn't stop myself. It's only one, though. I always only do one. I swear," she explained. Sam nodded and reached out, cupping her cheek as his thumb wiped away a few stray tears.

"I know it's hard. Trust me, I do. And now that your mom is also gone..." Sam trailed off, sighing. "I hate saying this just as much as I hate doing this, but you gotta push through this for today. If Dean found out it'd ruin his day and I wanted to do something for him now that you're here with us," Sam told her. She nodded, her eyes following him as he grabbed another washcloth and ran it under cold water before leaning back down to clean the wound.

"I know. I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I fucked up, Sam," Cassandra whispered. Sam nodded, his tongue pressed between his lips in concentration.

"It's okay. It is. We just need to get this all cleaned up before Dean wakes up." Cassandra nodded mutely, letting Sam disinfect her wrist. Once all of the blood was gone he sat back on his calves and studied it. "I don't think it needs stitches, but it is pretty deep. Let me grab some gauze," he said. The blonde watched him push himself off of the floor, quietly slipping out of the bathroom and rushing over to his duffel bag to dig for gauze and tape.

Sam came back just as she started to wipe up the blood from the floor and she looked up to see him holding up the box and the tape. He nudged the door closed again and sat cross-legged in front of her. Cassandra held out her wrist, her eyes locked on Sam as he quickly patched her up. He gently rubbed his hand over the gauze to secure the tape before throwing all of the wrappers in the small trash can. He sent her a warm smile, an action in which she returned.

"Thank you," Cassandra muttered softly. Sam nodded distractedly and went to stand up when she grabbed his wrist, stopping him. He furrowed his eyebrows at the blonde who stared up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Seriously, Sam. Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Well, you'd probably be graduated from college," he replied with an awkward chuckle. "I was the one who let Lucifer out and helped break seals."

"It's not your fault. You didn't know."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Cassandra quickly pushed herself from the floor and shut the door again before Sam could step out. He eyed the woman warily. "Stop blaming yourself! This isn't your fault and deep down you know that. It was bound to happen. You didn't hear Michael back in nineteen-seventy-eight. Everyone knows it's supposed to end with the three of us. You can't fight destiny."

"I think you and I both know the truth."

She arched an eyebrow challengingly. "Oh, yeah? And what's that?"

"That I'm a monster." Cassandra frowned at his words and Sam sighed, shaking his head. "When you left after we got in that fight, I was hopped up on demon blood. I went through a blood detox that almost killed me. It showed me who I truly am and releasing Lucifer only proved what everyone believes," Sam explained. Cassandra pursed her lips in thought, unsure of how to reply. So she said the first thing that came to mind.

"Maybe you are a monster, but so am I and so is Dean. Maybe every human or every living being is a monster. But who ever said that monsters can't save the world from a bunch of Biblical douchebags? We may be monsters but the three of us? The three of us will save the world, Sam, and we'll do it knowing we're heroes no matter how Heaven, Hell, or Humanity look at us. Just because you may be a monster does not mean that you are forced to be evil as we are depicted. I don't believe that we have a destiny and even if we do, I don't believe we have to follow it."

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