Race Against Time

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One moment I was breathing air and then the next all the air was cut off from my lungs.

Probably because I was being BONE CRUSHED by everyone.

What a way to greet a girl back from the dead.

"Don't Ever Do That To Us Again Kira!"

Justin screamed, shaking me back and forth as soon as everyone gave me space to breath.


I pushed Justin away and took big gulps of air. He gave me a sheepish look and I glared at him before my eyes settled onto someone standing beside my parents.


I cautiously held out my hands to hold his and he tensed up. I smiled and pressed my forehead to his, he immediately responded.

"Um...can we just level the PDA for a while, I'm still getting use to the fact you are married to an animal sis"

I pulled away and glared, Jordan patted me on the back and I grinned when I noticed one ape that wasn't with us.

"Where's Cornelius?"

Caesar tensed up and I grew worried.

"Caesar...where is Cornelius?"

"Gong after the human leader"


"He Can TALK?!"

I pushed passed dad and ran outside.

It was chaos.

Humans and apes as well a humans who turned apes were fighting and blaring guns at each other.

Its a miracle only a few died.

My eyes scanned for Cornelius when Jordan screamed.

"We have to get out of here! The bomb we set could explode any minute!"

Wait, Bomb?!


I was cut off from my thoughts when Caesar pulled me towards the exit route of the tunnel.

I pulled back.

"Jordan and Caesar, get my parents and my annoying ass brother to safety, I'll look for Cornelius"

Caesar glared at me and I glared back at him. My parents began to protest.

"We are NOT leaving you!"

"We just got you back!"

Justin sighed and pushed them towards the exit with Jordan on the lead.

"Caesar, they need you more than I do. Jordan can't defend my family only for oncoming attacks and Cornelius is somewhere back there"

I saw and emotional war raging against his emerald eyes before he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Come back with our son to me"

I grinned and nodded before running back to the chaos inside.


I bumped into Nova and Rocket a few minutes later after my searching.

"Where's Cornelius?"

"He disappeared along with the kernel in the savage room, I don't know what happened except something blasted in front of us and we were thrown back"

I left them after hooting at them to head to the exit.

I entered the room where I met the savages and saw them looking me with wild fear in their eyes.

Without hesitation, I opened their cages and they scurried away to the exit, snarling and growling.

Now to find Cornelius.

I saw debris of what was left of a wall and saw Cornelius laying down holding his stomach in pain.

He's hurt!

I saw a human hand underneath the debris and it didn't take long for me to know who it was.

I checked for a pulse and sighed when it was beating quite steadily.

"Cornelius get up"

I hooted softly and he looked at me with pained eyes. He's going into shock, if he doesn't get up then we both die.


I distinctively heard a bomb exploding and humans screaming and I hooted again to Cornelius.

"Come on my son, you can do it"

With renewed strength I watched my son started to slowly stand up and soon enough he was standing on all fours.

I gestured him to follow me as I exited the now damaged room.

Rocks and Debris began crumbling down as the humans tried to get away. I noticed the apes had already left and it gave me a huge relief.

We can't go to the exit route now or risk being buried alive.

I headed back to the kernel's room. In every room, there's always a secret tunnel.


To my delight, there was a small tunnel big enough for an ape or a human to fit in.

I gestured Cornelius to crawl in first before me.


Haring the blast, we quickened our pace as debris suddenly started falling on us.

The tunnel grew wider and wider until it led us into four different tunnels.

"Which way?"

Cornelius hooted. I felt the ground and heard water rushing to the left tunnel and I raced in with Cornelius at my heels.

We dodged and ducked at every rock the fell and slid on our way.

I stopped dead in my tracks as the tunnel lead to a dead end and saw a huge flowing river. We could swim back to shore but the only problem is that we are a few feet high from the river.

Cornelius hooted as he looked back at the crumbling place.

I turned to him and nodded.

I held my son's hand as we prepared to jump.

Feeling the rocks grazing at my feet we took a leap of faith as the underground base camp exploded behind us.

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