Simian gone Savaged

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Justin, my parents and I sat in a circle and we began to talk (and sign) what we all have missed in that past few years.

"You got sent into that rotten prison?!" Father snarled when he heard about what happened to Justin. I patted my brother  in comfort and he shrugged me off and glared.

"I thought girls will be the ones who needed comfort not boys!"

I huffed "gender equality bro, you need to look that up in the dictionary"

We glared at one another before mom coughed "so never told us what happened to you. The last thing we heard was you running off"

I fell silent before signing "I live in the forest...with the apes" the last part was very difficult for me to sign because hey, I'm a girl who lived half of her life in the forest with a colony of apes and I'm mated to their ape leader. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're gonna freak out.

Mother and father stayed silent and Justin looked away from me before mother spoke "Kira, are you sure your not just hallucinating?"

Okay now that is just so...wrong.

"No mom, I'm actually living with the apes like a crazy Tarzan movie" I signed sarcastically.

"She practically married their ape leader" Justin added and I pounded his head. He was not suppose to say that!

"What?!" Mom and dad screamed and I smiled sheepishly. I am so in trouble.

"How long have you..ugh...married this ape?" Father asked, scratching his head in the process. Guess he's not too comfortable with it either.

"Two years..." I slowly signed and waited with belated breath. I looked up and saw mom gaping like a fish, dad looking like he was in a trance and Justin...he was not looking at my face.

Is marrying an animal really that bad?

"Does this guy make you happy?" Mom asked and I nodded with a smile. No matter how much annoyed and irritated I am with Caesar (mostly because he is sometimes so cold and gruff before) he makes my world bright. Wow, that sounded so cheesy.

Father sighed "we can't change your mind about that and you looking like a wild girl living her whole life in the wild isn't gonna change anyways"

I grinned, trust dad to give up easily. Knowing my stubbornness is as high as Mt. Everest.

I heard the sound of boots clanking on the metal floor and I turned to see a man with grey hair (though surprisingly, still looking young) wearing the all too familiar military clothes I have seen the humans wore during the war of apes and humans.

Deja vu...

I shook my head and glared "are you the guy causing all this?!" I signed and my gaze turned to Justin who slumped down and his eyes downcast.

The man removed his glasses and despite the wrinkles on his face, the pure and raw emotion of rage and madness was actually seeping out of his eyes and it chilled me to the bone.

"So this is the famous girl that caused the death of my son"


The image of the man lying down on a hammock with blood on his nose and head with a bullet below his hand came to me.

"Excuse me, I did nothing to your son. I merely rescued the apes from the death sentence your boy placed them in!"

"He was killed by your savaged Ape!" He screamed, the intensity of his rage doubling. Caesar killed the man?

When I found Caesar, he was lost in time and was out of the room. There was no way he could have killed the guy.

"Anyway, despite what happened two years ago. I'm more like interested in you"


I blinked in shock before scooting away. Sensing my apprehension he immediately spoke "on the term of your...immunity to the virus that killed out kind many, many years ago.

I stilled, me immune to the simian virus?

"When I heard of a girl living with the apes that still speaks from time to time I grew curious and decided to test out other subjects to try to mimic your immunity"

My thoughts went back to the humans being locked in cages and I grew angry.

"You turned them into monsters!"

Amusement danced in his eyes "funny, I was wondering the same thing about you" I glared as he continued like he was having a conversation about the weather.

"You've been exposed to the virus but little effect it has on you, you live with a bunch of savaged animals and are forgetting the life you once had"

I felt myself stiffen. It was true, my childhood days were being slowly replaced into something more primitive however I always have occasional dreams and flashes of my old life but it was slowly dwindling by the minute.

Seeing my stunned face, he grinned showing his pearly white teeth.

"I keep trying to track and hunt you down. Now that I have you...I can finally do what I always wanted to do"

I glared before charging at the metal bars and started banging "Caesar will stop you and your men from destroying more lives!"

The man merely shrugged "I already lost the ones I love. Now, I get to have somebody who is very dear to an animal"

He turned and left me and my family without a word.

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