A Shocking Discovery

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2 minutes turned to four...

Four minutes turned to five...

Where the bloody hell are they?!

I was already fuming that I was not able to join in their search hunt for Nova now I was having a short fuse with worry for their delay.

What if something bad happened to them?

What if they got hurt?

Or worse...

Someone died!

Okay that's it! These paranoid thoughts are driving me crazy and I refused to wait and sit here to do nothing.

I quickly went to the side of the camp where a lone soldier was standing guard. I grinned, positioning myself to jump and I tackled him to the ground.

Before he could scream I covered his mouth and punched him unconscious. I quickly dressed myself in his clothes and a cold feeling came over me.

It felt so foreign now.

I shrugged it off and kept my head low as possible as I made my way in.


Caesar's POV

Finding Nova was not an easy task. No matter where we go in this huge warehouse there was still no sign of her.

"Father, I'm getting worried!" Cornelius signed. I grimaced as I watched the humans. The simian virus humans were caged up, all looking around with wild eyes.

"Is this how the humans treat their sick?" Rocket looked disgusted at the sight even Cornelius.

I moved to another corner when I heard two soldiers talking.

"Can't believe those two got the wrong girl" one of them sighed in annoyance.

My interest heightened and I halted to Rocket and Cornelius.

"Well, can't blame them. Boss didn't tell them that there were two humans girls living on that animal's village"

My eyes widen.

They were after Kira all along?! Why?

"Why do you think the boss wants the girl anyway?" The other soldier shrugged at his companion "beats me, all he said is that he needs to get her"

I felt anger and possessiveness rise into me. Like I am going to let them go near Kira!

"They were after mother all along?!" Cornelius growled.

"Where do you think he took that wrong girl?"

"I think in the underground base camp. Some of the men are going there now to finish the project to wipe out the entire existence of apes"

I looked at Rocket and Cornelius and they nodded. We need to leave now!


Kira's POV

I slowly entered the warehouse and the feeling of uneasiness intensified.

Feels like I'm going to my death sentence...

Making sure I wasn't seen, I looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of Caesar and the others in the shadows but I was in vain.

Where the heck are they?

I was too busy looking for them that I slammed myself in front of a metal door. Shaking myself out of my temporary daze I looked at in confusion. A big, fat Do Not Enter sign was plaster to it and I wondered if I should open it.

Oh what the heck, I'm gonna open it anyways.

I opened the door and that was the moment I finally understand the famous quote "curiosity killed the cat"

My mouth was dropped in horror and my blood turned into ice at what I saw.

Holy Shit!


Caesar's POV

We quickly made our way back to where we last saw Kira, hoping she didn't do anything while we are away.

"Caesar, I think she went in" Rocket suddenly signed and my entire being froze.

She went in?!

"She's in there?!" I turned to go back but Cornelius signed "we have to go and get Nova first then find mother. She can handle herself for a few hours but not Nova"

I bit back a snarl but I knew my son was right. Nova was still learning how to survive and Kira had learned a few things in survival when she was young making it easier for her to learn the rest from Maurice and I.

I reluctantly nodded as we mounted on our hidden horses and we sped away, leaving Kira's horse there in hopes she would come out...unharmed.


Kira's POV

My entire body was filled with fear. All around me were the simian virus humans all snarling at each other and snapping their teeth.


I felt tears leak and I hastily wiped them. I scanned the area to see if Caesar or any of the boys were captured and to my relief, they were not there.

"Hey, the door's open!" I gasped and dove through one of the darkest corners of this room.

Stupid Kira! You just had to leave the door open!

My breath hitched as two soldiers entered and scanned the area.

The simian virus human beside me looked at me and began to hoot wildly. I glared at him and snarled, baring my human teeth.

I may not be an actual ape but I sure as hell know how to act like one. The simian virus human became silent at my obvious display of anger.

Thank you Maurice for teaching me that!

The men gave one last scan before heading out and closing the door, locking me in.

Great...how an I suppose to get out?!

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