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It took me two hours to get to know the kinks of the lock (in truth, I really forgot how to pick a lock) and another two minutes to finally get it open.

"Geez sis, back when we were experimented on you were a pro on picking a lock" Justin joked. I frowned then grinned at him

"I'm getting old"

"Yeah you are"

"Don't make it sound like I am bro! Be sensitive to a woman!"

We have each other pats in the back before Justin grew serious (which was a shock for me considering he was always a fun type of guy)

"I know a way to get out of here but we need to be careful" I nodded, very eager to get out of this hellhole and into the sun.

He went back into his cage and pulled out a slab to reveal a small but human sized tunnel. I have him a look "why did you not tell me that there was a freaking escape tunnel in your cage?"

"How the heck can you escape with me when you are not behind bars?"

I ignored him and proceeded to climb down slowly with him following.

"Aren't the soldiers gonna find out you escaped?"

Justin huffed "they think that the unstable humans are too dumb enough to even think when I think the soldiers are dumb enough to forget that I'm still stable"

I grinned before softly speaking "You never stable.... Make trouble...all..time" my throat began to get sore that I made a rough cough. Justin patted me in the back.

"Maybe your right, on the dream world that is" we stumbled upon five route tunnels and I groaned. It would take hours or even days to find the right tunnel and I'm getting hungry!

"Please tell me you've been here before?" I looked at Justin pleadingly and he shook his head

This is just...great.


Nova's POV

I stayed in a spacious cage built for beings that are the boss's "favorites".

I shivered as I curled myself into a ball and let the tears fall. I want to go back home with the apes, with my dad, Kira, Caesar and Cornelius.

Why can't I be a bit more courageous like Kira?

I heard the doors clanking open and I shot up to see a dark haired, tall, lean man bringing food for me.

He took off his mask and I was surprised to see instead of a hardened face I mostly see from soldiers, a soft, smile graced the man's features.

"I brought you food" he placed them in front of me and slowly walked back so as not to frighten me.

I grabbed a piece of chicken and munched them slowly before I started to actually gobble the entire food on the plate up.

"Glad you liked my wife's cooking, no one in this blasted place ever show appreciation"

I grew confused "are you not like them?" He shook his head "I was forced to be here to save the lives of my son and daughter. My daughter disappeared soon after my wife and we...well, we spent here everyday just to make sure no harm could come to our son"

I felt bad about his daughter, I'm sure he can find her somehow.

"My name is Nova" he smiled before gesturing to the almost empty plate "The names Richard Ronan, my wife's name is Raye"

I smiled as he took the empty plate and walked out "I'll be back for tonight's dinner, see you around Nova"

I smiled, despite the situation I was put in. I managed to see someone at least I can be friends with.

Oh Kira, I wish you and Cornelius were here.


4 hours and 3 grumbling stomachs later, we found the right tunnel after almost getting drowned by quicksand, nearly got shot by poison darts, almost fell off a lava and nearly got bitten by poisonous snakes.

It was like...Egypt, where humans would build traps and all for trespassers and thieves.

"The last one was.. Okay" Justin said as he tried (and failed) to straighten up his disheveled hair.

I rolled my eyes and touched the ends of my singed hair that touched the lava floor.

Caesar's not gonna like it when he sees this.

I slowly opened the two slabs and saw that we were two feet away from the camp.

"Move quietly and cautiously"

We walked/ran briskly to the forest and heaved sighs of relief when we saw that none of the soldiers saw us.

I spotted my horse tied up, eating on the grass and I ran to her and searched from my supplies food.

I tossed two apples to Justin while I munched on a banana.

Ah, sweet bliss of food.

"Where do you think we should go?" Justin asked. I scanned the area and noticed deep footprints and I grinned before signing "we follow the tracks!"

I grabbed him by the arms and literally pushed him on to the horse as I swung myself over my horse and we raced across the trees with Justin gripping tightly to my waist lest he wants to receive an early grave from falling off.


Nova's POV

I heard the sound of something scuffling and I grew tense. It was dark and the lamps provided only a few light.

The scuffling grew louder and I squinted when a hunched figure came to view.

The moonlight reflecting on its face and I gasped.


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