All three of us ended up rolling in the grass nudging each other laughing hysterically.

"What are you? A kindergartener?" a voice scoffed.

"Don't you have anything else to do?" I said while taking out stray grass strands from my hair.

"Sure I do and it's much more important than rolling in the grass," Julian dusted off imaginary dust from his distressed jeans.

"Then why don't you leave and attend to your important task." He was really annoying me.

Especially when I saw his gorgeous blue hair...that's correct I said gorgeous blue hair, shimmer in the sunlight. Why did he have to be so infuriatingly hot?

"Whatever," he ran his hand through his silky hair tempting me to do the same but I resisted. "Juliet," he laughed mockingly. "What was Mrs Renaldo thinking? I'm sure you'll succeed in making everyone laugh on Thursday by your pathetic acting."

"We'll see that on Thursday for sure. I can give you glimpse of it right now though," I said clenching my hand into a tight fist.

"Hey! Hey Chas! No he's not even worth it," Melissa held me back.

"Besides you already have a punishment you don't want anymore," Emily looked at me warningly which reminded me of my new resolution of laying low. It's wouldn't have been called laying low if I punched Julian in the school garden so I stopped myself from doing so after taking in long deep breaths.

"Romeo with blue hair," I started laughing even though I knew it was lame. "Now that is new. As if you'll even get the role. I don't think so much arrogance and ego will fit in one room."

"Should I laugh? Just tell me when to laugh," he tried to look bored.

"Guys!" Melissa exclaimed. "Stop bickering!"

"He started it. You saw it Mel," I looked accusingly at him.

"Julian would it hurt to be nice to her?" Emily sighed.

"It wouldn't," he smiled. "But where's the fun in that?" After that he walked away.

"I don't believe this guy," I shook my head irritated.

"I think he liked you Chas," Emily narrowed her eyes and looked at Julian's retreating figure.

"I wouldn't bet on that," Melissa stretched herself.

Emily wanted to be a psychologist, so, I had discovered she had a habit of analysing people. It would have been a perfect job for her, being a psychologist I mean.

"He hates me," I nodded.

"No he doesn't. Do you remember the time when we were kids and found boys gross? At that time if a boy actually liked a girl he would pull her hair or tease her. It seems that it's the same case with Julian. Why would he waste so much time on you otherwise?" Emily stated.

"You are confusing harassment for infatuation,' I said trying not to think about how much the thought of what Emily had suggested thrilled me.

"I don't know so I won't say anything," Melissa closed her eyes.

"He does like her okay. If he didn't he would've told the teachers that you're the one who dyed his hair blue but he didn't—" Emily didn't have time to finish her analysis because a bell rang indicating that the lunch was over.

Yes, there was actually a bell which rang to remind the students that the recess period finished.

"Let's leave we have computer class," I got up glad the discussion about Julian liking me was closed.

Hey Mr Rockstar Meet Miss TroubleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang