Jace walked a few more steps before he realised I'd stopped. He turned around, confusion on his face.

I heard another crash.


I began sprinting towards my house, leaving a yelling Jace behind me. Something was wrong, something was very wrong and I could feel it.

I turned the corner and onto my own street and then dropped the bag in my hands to push myself to go faster. I tried to see what was going on ahead of me as I squinted my eyes. They widened again when I realised it was my neighbour, dragging my Grandpa out of his car and throwing him on the floor.

"GRANDPA", I yelled, tears in my eyes as I saw how helpless he was against that man. I was almost there.

"Grandpa!", I yelled again, my breathing heavy from exhaustion and anger. The man was jabbing his finger into Grandpa' chest before I caught his attention. As I got closer to them, I jumped and tackled my neighbour to the ground.

He yelled underneath me as his head made contact with the concrete floor. I sat on top of him as I caught my breath, my anger being fuelled every second I looked at him.

"Please don't! I'm sorry!", he pleaded with me. I lifted him up to my face by his collars, staring into his eyes.

"Don't touch my Grandpa again", I growled at him, curling my hand into a fist and punching him in the face.

He screamed and his children echoing them back. I looked up at them, growling at them too.

It was then that I realised I'd gained an audience. The neighbourhood had come to see the show I'd put up.

Oh look, Jace finally made it.

I felt a sharp pain in the side of my face, my head being knocked to the side as I fell onto the pavement. My lip had been busted, the blood beginning to drip out. I licked my lip, looking at the man who'd punched me with the most murderous look I could muster.

Before I could even get up, a blur tackled the man to the ground once more.

"Caesar!", Grandpa yelled from beside me.

Caesar was relentless. He brought his fists up and knocked them down on the man's chest repeatedly, shrieking as loud as he could. I stood up to my feet, satisfied with Caesar's reaction.

The man tried to throw Caesar off him, managing it in his third attempt. Caesar was thrown back onto the floor and the man made a mad dash for his own house. I was about to run after him, but stopped myself when I saw Caesar was already a step ahead.

Two seconds later and my neighbour was at my feet once again. I gathered up my bloody spit and spat in his face, satisfied when he cowered away, scrambled to his feet and began running.

I grinned, cracking the joints in my neck before I ran after him. He was a slow runner which made the game a lot more easier. It was practically like a game of prey.

I heard the rustling of leaves from the trees above me and I craned my head up to see what it was. I heard Caesar's hooting and I knew he was following us overhead. I laughed, loving the control I had right now.

Ivy ( rise of the planet of the apes )Where stories live. Discover now