Chapter 31: Do It For The Court Part 1 of 2

Beginne am Anfang

Officer: ___________.

Deputy DA: Where did you first see the car?

Officer: Going north, near the McDonald's on _________

Deputy DA: Why did you notice the car?

Officer: It was speeding

Deputy DA: Did you stop the Land Rover

Officer: Yes. I turned on my lights and siren and pulled the car over.

Deputy DA: Where did you stop the car?

Officer: right in front of the McDonald's

Deputy DA: What did you do after the car stopped?

Officer: I ordered the driver to step out and he resisted

Deputy DA: Do you see the driver here in court?

Officer: Yes, the record will show that the witness has identified the defendant sitting at the defense table [Point to defendant.]

Deputy DA: After the defendant resisted what did he tell you

Officer: He said that he saving a life then he took off down the road

Deputy DA: I have no further questions.

Judge: Does the defense wish to ask any questions?

Public Defender: [Stand up.] Yes, Your Honor.

Public Defender: Officer, when you pulled the car over, you ordered my client to step out, didn't you?

Officer: Yes, I did.

Public Defender: and he told you he was going to save a life

Officer: Yes.

Public Defender: did you follow my client down the road when get drove off

Officer: um no

Public Defender: and why not?

Officer: well um.....I um..... Well.....

Public Defender: no further questions, your honour

Judge: The witness is excused. [Wait for the witness to leave the stand.] Does the prosecution have any other witnesses?

Deputy DA: Yes, Your Honor. The People call the fingerprint examiner.[Bailiff takes the witness to the witness stand.]

Clerk: Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case now before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Expert: I do.

Clerk: Please state your first and last name.

Expert: David Carlson

Clerk: You may be seated.

Reporter: Please spell your last name for the record.

Expert: C-A-R-L-S-O-N

Deputy DA: [Stand up.] David, where do you work?

Expert: I am employed by the Canadian Sheriff's Department. I have been a qualified fingerprint examiner for 15 years.

Deputy DA: [Takes Gun to the witness stand and show witness the gun.] Have you ever seen this gun before?

Expert: [Look at gun.] Yes. I was asked to check them for fingerprints at my lab.

Deputy DA: Did you find any fingerprints on the keys as a result of your testing?

Expert: Yes. There were several clear print impressions.

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