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"I'll see you when I get home, hun." Andy says as he leans down at kisses my forehead.

"Okay." I whisper softly, tears still falling down my cheeks.

He smiles and walks to the door before turning back to me.

"No one will ever love you like I do, Vic." he says sternly.

"I know." I smile weakly.

"Good." and with that he leaves, closing the door behind him.

I look down at my bruised and bleeding thighs, down at my swollen wrists and then to my phone that sits on the coffee table.

I think back to a time when I was a kid, before I met Andy, before I had truly felt pain. I think back to when my little brother and I would hang out all day and play soccer. Some days, I sit and wish I was a kid again.

I pick up my phone and go straight to the keypad, knowing that I don't have his number in my contacts anymore. I don't have anyone's name in my contacts except Andy. He made me delete everyone else's number.

I punch in the phone number that I had memorized in case of emergency and I think this could class as an emergency, this past year could class as an emergency.

I take a breath as I hit the call button and put my phone up to my ear. My heart pumps violently in my chest. I'm anxious about this call but part of me is also expecting Andy to come back and be angry at me for talking to someone other than him.

"Vic? It's been forever bro!" Mike says as he picks up. I can hear the smile on his lips.

"Yeah, it has." I whisper. "I need someone. Can you come over?"

"Is everything okay? What's the address?" he asks worried. My own brother doesn't even know where I live.

"No." I answer truthfully. "Nothing's okay."

I tell him the address and he says he'll be there soon before hanging up.

I wait patiently on the sofa, my hands shaking, my heart racing. I consider putting some clothes on, covering up my bruises but what would be the point. Everything's about to be put out in the open anyway.

Soon the door bell rings and I realize that I can't even get off the sofa.

"It's open." I call, my voice shaking.

The door opens and my younger brother enters the room. He looks me up and down quickly before rushing over go me.

"Vic, what happened?" he asks urgently, brushing his hand over the bruise on my jaw.

I don't say anything and just look down at my still bleeding thighs.

"Was this that guy you've been seeing? Did he do this to you?" Mike asks and I can't help but to break down.

"Things just went so wrong so fast." I choke out.

"How long has this been going on for?" he asks, softly.

"About a year." I sniff.

"You've been dating him for a year." Mike says and I nod.

"He's been doing this from the start?" he asks and I nod. "Vic, why haven't you left him?"

"I love him." I whisper.

Mike looks confused and horrified. He looks me up and down again before getting up and going into the kitchen. He then comes back with a wet cloth. He carefully places it on my thigh and I feel a sting at the contact.

"Did he rape you?" he whispers.

I look down at my hands and nod.

"I don't want to do it anymore, Mike." I sniff.

"You don't have to. It's over. He won't hurt you again." he reassures me as he pulls my head to his chest but that's a phrase I've heard too often.

Toxic Valentine (Kellic) - boyxboyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora