9: Home

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'What do you mean, they found out?!' he asked.

'Someone worked out what I am. They chased me. I had to come here, I can't go back,' I was still panting.

'We'll figure something out. Don't worry, you'll be OK,' Remus told me, 'I'm going to speak to Dumbledore.'

With that, he stood up and left the room.

A bit later, a few owls carrying my stuff arrived. One had a letter attached to it.

Dumbledore told me to get your stuff gathered together and send it back to you. He's adamant that you'll be back, but decided you might need your stuff for the time being.
We will dissuade them from what they know. We'll make them think it was stupid, and that they've chased away an innocent person.
I hope you're OK. We're all worried and we'll all fight for you.
Speak soon,
P.S. Harry is wondering if he can borrow Kreacher.

I gave the owls a few treats and put Zeus on his perch, filling up his food and water.

Firstly, tell Harry that Kreacher is coming his way.
Secondly, thank you. Thank you for being here for me, and thank the others too. It must be difficult, being friends with me.
I hope I'll be back. Hopefully they'll believe you, but if not, I suppose I'll have to be homeschooled.
I suppose I'll speak to you soon, maybe through the floo network or something.

One owl was still sitting on the window sill, so I gave it the letter. I gave it an extra treat too, and it flew off.

I sat on the edge of my bed and sighed.

'Kreacher!' I growled.

There was a snap and Kreacher appeared with Dobby on his back. They were fighting.

I sighed again and pulled them apart.

'Kreacher, stop fighting Dobby,' I told him and he glared at me, 'I need you to do something. You are to obey anything Harry Potter tells you until I tell you to stop. I don't know what he needs, but it sounds important. He is your master for the time being. Hello, Dobby!'

'Hello, Molly Black! I shall help Harry Potter too!' Dobby seemed happy.

'Filthy traitor,' grumbled Kreacher and Dobby pounced on him again just as he Disapparated.

I shook my head and lay back on my bed.

Remus burst into my room the next day.

'You're not allowed back, but you're allowed to take your Apparition test early,' he informed me, 'Because you are seventeen but it's not the best idea to let you have it the same time as the others, you're doing it today!'

I quickly showered and put on some fresh clothes. Remus grabbed my arm and we Apparated to Hogsmeade where the test would take place.

'You will be Apparating from here to the Three Broomsticks. Someone is waiting there,' Twycross told me. We were standing in front of the school gates.

Remus gave me an encouraging nod and I took a deep breath. I thought about the three D's and turned on the spot.

I looked around. I was standing in front of the Three Broomsticks. The man waiting for me smiled then checked me over.

'You didn't splinch! Congratulations, you passed with full marks!' I grinned like mad as Twycross and Remus arrived next to me.

'Well done!' Remus smiled at me, 'Let's go home!'

We Apparated back home and I collapsed on the sofa.

'So, you are now of age and can do whatever magic you want! Congratulations!' Remus punched my shoulder gently.

'Thanks,' I was still grinning, 'I don't have to walk anywhere ever again!'

Remus raised his eyebrows at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

I got a few more letters from Nico and Josh over the weeks. Both had passed their tests and couldn't wait to see me again. They wished me luck for the upcoming full moon and had a rather interesting story to tell. Harry and Malfoy had had a duel in the bathroom. Harry had used one of the Prince's spells and Malfoy had almost died due to blood loss. He would have, had Snape not cured him.

The nightmares had gotten worse. They were no longer only about the day I was bitten. I also dreamt of the fear I had felt the moment I was discovered. The hatred plastered on their faces as they stated their accusations. I woke up screaming a few times, but because Remus was equally as exhausted on the lead up to the full moon, he never woke. I was glad, he didn't need that worry.

A couple of months later, I still wasn't back at school. Nothing much had happened since the Malfoy incident but people weren't going to believe I wasn't a werewolf. There wasn't much of a chance of me returning, so the teachers sent me a ton of work to do. Snape also sent me my usual potions, along with the silver and dittany concoction I usually received at the hospital wing. I obviously had not angered him too badly for him to go out of his way to help me like this.

Josh managed to get permission to see me one weekend and we spent the day at Muggle shops. We went to bookstores and we even went to the movies. We watched 'Jurassic Park' and then went out for dinner. Then, Josh had to leave.

I finished my homework and got a pile more.

A few days later, I was lying on my bed doing some more work when Remus burst in. He had been out for a while but seemed to have Apparated back.

'Death Eaters at Hogwarts! We have to go!' we Apparated outside the castle immediately and ran inside the castle. The Dark Mark loomed above us as we sprinted across the dark castle grounds.

Hogwarts: A Snake in the Grass - BOOK 6 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now