Royal888 Presents: My First Book & My Writing Journey

Start from the beginning

Later on I came across another wattpad author, Shanteena . I checked their book and started talking about the scenes in their book via private message. She also made me covers but for my other books without me requesting as a thank you for checking their work. The problem is all her covers are amazing and I am spoilt for choice. I feel so lucky. I keep changing my covers and do get readers commenting.

Now, let's point out that the cover that is currently displayed on my first book "Her Heart, His Obsession" is a cover that I was lucky to win. After WattMag Magazine was formed, there was a promotion by Lucyface who ran a giveaway for her beautiful covers. I signed up. I didn't think I win one and she gave me a cover makeover. I feel so honoured to have one of her covers. I am a huge fan of Lucy as a professional cover maker and if you check the snow Anthology covers you can see her amazing work. Thats correct. She has made all those covers. It is mind blowing how some people on wattpad are so talented and you meet them accidentally to become their fan for life.

So it is another note to make that it is important to enter giveaways and contests. I just entered into one and won. You never know. There are some opportunities on wattpad and you may not think much of them at the time of entering but it can introduce you to new people. Now I know if I ever publish a book one day, the first cover maker to call is Lucyface. I met someone new. I got a cover and I now follow their work.

You may ask how it is possible to find such opportunities like the cover giveaways or any contests? As we know Wattpad is massive. The answer is simple. Word of mouth. You can follow various authors on Wattpad and social media to get notifications.

I found the Wattmag contest advert on twitter. If you follow Wattpad users on twitter you are guaranteed to be kept up to date with the news. Personally, if I find opportunities I send a message to my followers and I encourage everyone to do the same. If you find something special, please do give a shout out and even tag people who you know like to find out about it and don't mind getting tagged on Wattpad. It's greatly appreciated. So in case if I wasn't direct enough ... please tag me too if there is anything you find interesting. I personally also don't mind being tagged on twitter or Facebook regarding anything Wattpad related or book related. Please feel free to get in touch.

In addition to social media, the wattpad forums are quite useful too. The trailer on top of this chapter for Her Heart His Obsession was made by DarkParadise321. I posted in the request a trailer forum and she kindly agreed to make me a trailer for my book. So there are opportunities to make talented artists who don't mind lending their expertise when they have time. I am so grateful to them and appreciate their beautiful work.


I think it is important that if you start a book you don't stop writing. If only you run out of ideas and totally give up due to lack of response from readers then I understand the concept of giving up. But don't give up without trying.

When I first started writing Her Heart His Obsession, on Wattpad all I had were just a set of ideas for two chapters only; the beginning and the end. I also was sure of my character names to be Dante and Athena in my mind and the names of other characters were going to picked from name websites.

At the beginning, the only scene I could create to start with was when Athena saves Dante at the very beginning of the book. Also I had the ending formed in my mind but needless to say that ending ended up in the middle of the book somewhere. It took me a year and a half to finish writing 180+ chapters for this book that was my first work on Wattpad. I wrote one chapter per week mostly and I have no idea how. I can't certainly think of how those ideas came to my mind at all when now my mindset is on general fiction books and not fantasy books any more.

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