
Start from the beginning

But he did a have a reason for saying that, seeing as towards the end of their relationship, Harry was spending quite a large amount of time with his now boyfriend. Therefore leaving Louis alone to listen to Ed Sheeran and cry.

"Yeah, I know. I guess I'll be going? Niall's probably waiting for me in the field." and that's when Louis actually felt his heart shatter.

"In-In the field? Which field?"

Harry smirked and said the one by the track and Louis felt the bile rising up in his throat.

"Harry, that was our field."

"Not anymore." Harry sighed.

"But you said-"

"I said a lot of things, Louis. We both did." Harry snapped, Louis involuntarily began to tear up.

"Yeah. But you want to know the difference?" Louis bit on his lip in a sad attempt to not cry.


"I, unlike you, meant everything I said." and that's when the water works started.

"That's a fucking lie, and you know it." Harry tried to defend himself.

"No. Harry, it's not." the tears made their way down Louis' cheeks.

"How? I meant everything I said."

"No, Harry you didn't."

"Yes, I really fucking did—"

"If you meant everything you said. You wouldn't be dating Niall right now." Louis snapped, whipping what tears fell on his sleeve.

Harry was speechless. He literally had no words. Because Louis was right, and he hated that. He tried to forget the fact that he hurt Louis, it was the last thing he wanted to do.

Nonetheless he did, though.

"I should...be going." Harry sighed.

Louis said nothing. He was just sat there, staring off into nothing, mind replaying any time Harry said anything remotely sentimental to him.

Harry didn't know what to do so he just walked off.

That's Liam's issue to deal with anyway, he thought, the thought making him feel even more like shit.


"Bathroom. Now." Louis was on the phone with Liam.

He was meant to be in Pre-Calculus, learning math that he didn't understand, but fuck that. His mind didn't stop wondering off and he needed to make it stop.

"Which one, which stall." Liam sighed, leaving the class room and making his way to Louis.

"Downstairs by the main entrance, last stall."

And that was all Liam needed to know, before he started sprinting to Louis so he could save him.

However, the current situation triggered him.

It was eighth grade year, and Liam was wondering down the hall, he was skipping free period, didn't really like that teacher anyways.

The bathrooms were always the easiest places to hide from security, so he decided on just hanging in there.

That day, had been hard. Harry had just introduced the group to his boyfriend (at the time) Fionn.

Louis was hurt because Louis had just told Harry his feelings for him.

Long story short, Liam found Louis in the bathroom, breaking a pencil sharpener open, and trying, well no, he didn't try, he succeeded. Liam found Louis harming himself with the blade from a pencil sharpener.

No. It wasn't the rejection itself. It was the feeling he got from it.

Not being good enough, not being worthy enough to deserve Harry. Or at least, that's what he thought and that lead to worse thoughts and that lead him to where he is now.

Being scolded at by Liam as he sat on the counter with Liam cleaning him up.

And from that day on, Liam checked him regularly.


Liam arrived in the stall where Louis was, and sat on the floor next to him.


"Don't. Liam don't. He was wrong. He was in the wrong. I was just stating the facts, he didn't have to be a dick about it."

"I mean, you did kind of put him on the spot from what I understand."

"You fucker, you're meant to take my side." Louis tried to hold the laugh back.

"I am a man of the people, I don't take sides."

"Take my side. Its not fair on my part."

And Louis was right, it wasn't. Harry was just upset because Louis couldn't handle being friendly without being flirty. Because that's how Louis had always been around Harry, and now things were different and neither one of them knew how to handle things and it was terrible.

"You know it was bound to happen." Liam spoke up after a few moments of complete and utter awkward silence.

"I know. That doesn't change the fact that I wasn't ready for it. I'll never be ready for it, even though it actually happened." Louis stared off into space.

By this point Liam knew there really wasn't much he could do to help Louis. Sitting there in, overrated, yet comfortable silence, was pretty much all that could be done.

And Louis was fine with that. He was okay with not talking, so long as someone was sitting there with him, just in case he did have something to say.

They stayed in that spot for two more periods, until lunch, when Louis finally spoke up.

"I don't think I can do this, Li." Louis breathed.

"Do what, exactly?" Liam was slightly confused, Louis had a lot of things he said he couldn't do.

"I can't go here. To school. I can't see him everyday." Louis said, walking into the lunch line. Liam always made him eat at times like this.

"You can. Lou, yo-"

"Don't call me that. Harry used to call me that."

Liam sighed, "Its our last year, you have to stay and make the best out of it. Even if you think Harry's going to fuck it up for you."

"It's not him per say. It's his little bleach headed, bottle blond bimbo, bitch of a boyfriend." Louis seethed out.

"You really don't like Niall huh?"
Liam laughed.

"No, Liam. I don't like the boy you dated two years straight." Louis smirked.

"Hey, its was middle school, what do you expect."

"Nothing, I thought you two were cute together. I liked him, I thought he was cool." Louis said truthfully.

"What changed then?" Liam was genuinely curious.

"He stole my man." Louis had no shame in what he just said. Harry was- Harry is everything to Louis.

He'll never get over Harry. He's accepted the fact that no one in the world can stop him from moving on.

Never in a million years did he think just trying to move on and getting over it would hurt more than he actual breakup itself.

No one thinks that until they've gone through, or are going through it.

"Well, Louis, just think about it this way. You never know what is going to happen. You can't think negative or bad thoughts because then only bad things will happen. Have faith in what you want. I won't say it, but we both know what you want." Liam was right.

So maybe he had a new goal, this year then.

Its a bit face paced but that's the play (:
It could've been longer but eh Broken Home is on and I'm sobbing.
All the love, dj c dizzle

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