fight me bro!!

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Excuse my absence I've been busy with school  and everything  but I'm back with a new update. Wait I wanna try something




He died from this which is weird. I looked at Mikasa with years in my eyes and she was looking at me. "Has this ever happened before?!" I was angry sad and just angry. She nodded her head.

She explained, well tried too. The doctor Moved a x-ray  over his body and pointed to his heart. "There is a part of the bar at his heart. We need to remove it before it goes inside the heart and hits something serious."
Me and Mikasa nodded our heads fast and looked at Eren.

Eren's  POV
(Blank for a whole 100xs years) me and the man walked to a big room that was dark and everything and one chair in the middle of the room with a amn in it. I looked at the chair and to my horror it was my father sitting with blood on his face...blood everywhere...."father what have you done...." I spoke in a small voice while looking where the blood came from. It took a minute to see who's blood it was. I fell to my knees with tears in my eyes when I saw it was levi with a gun hole in his head and heart. I started to cry when I felt a hand on my head. I looked up to see the man
Looking down at me. "You must feel sad this is what you saw when you were only a child, only the people were different. You mind is playing games with you.

Your going to die if the doctor doesn't take the long metal shard from your heart. We need to keep going till we reach the one point in your mind that safe for you. When we get there my job is done and your safe. We will have to go through some people you won't want to see do to your mind pushing them back because you don't want to remember. It will be hard but we must do so in order for you to live." He looked forward and I did to. I have think, what should I do? No I have to live for me and everyone mainly levi...I will miss levi if I was to die. I need to live. "Okay let's do it. It will suck major balls but I have to live. Not just for me but for levi and everyone else." I stood up and looked at him and he nodded his head and we keep walking. "HEY FAG WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR FUCKING GOING!? GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" My father can see me and speak to me but he can't get me if I'm this far from him. He will vanish if he does. I don't want to go to him. " should we do see what he wants?" I looked to see the man ask me, I shook my head 'no' and keep walking ignoring the harsh and ugly words my father was yelling at me and the angel like man next to me.

We made it out of the room and we ran about 10 miles, it's weird how I'm not tired though. We passed about 17 doors during the run and looked in like 9 of them. One was of me and levi doing it, that one the guy walked into and he screamed and ran past the last 8 so we didn't get to see the rest. I couldn't help but laugh really hard, when I didn't I felt and Sharpe pain in my chest. I stopped laughing and laughed in my head which echoed everywhere in the place we are in right now which I guess is my head. (haha my goal is to get about 2799 words guys if not more) we were walking past one door that was cracked and black the angel guy pointed at it and told me not to go in. I was tempted to but I didn't want to risk it so I didn't. "Why can't I go in?" But I did question it. "That the room where insanity lives, you open that door it will suck in all your sanity, me and u in it and pushed out Insanity and you will go crazy. So don't open it." He said it so rudely. I looked at him as we keep walking and I just nodded my head not wanting to be yelled at if I said something wrong.

We came to a stop there was a red door next to a white door. I too the red and he took the white. Bad idea, I walked in and nd I was attacked by more then one person or thing. I tried to fight back but it didn't work. I was pinned down and getting stabbed and kicked left and right. I finally opened my eyes to see my family and friends even levi around me with blood on them. "Guys what are you doing? What have you done?!" They didn't answer but keep hitting me. "Stand up for yourself and they will stop." I turned my head to the best of my ability and saw the angel like man watching as he sat on the floor watching. "T-they are m-ahh! My family I can't! " I let them hit me. "They are part of your imagination they are not real. Fight back eren are nd you will live. The room the white door is the room I was telling you about. The doctor already removed the long metal shard from your heart it's arendll you now. You have to choose to live or die." But if you choose to die. Thus will be where you will be for the rest of your dead end, do you want that?" I listened as I got beat by the people I love. "Fine." I want, no I need to live. I got up pushing them away and attacked back with full force.

{eriri} [levi x eren]Mr.simpleWhere stories live. Discover now