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Hi my name is Eren jeager i am 20 years old and looking for a job as a singer, yea i know what your think whats a 20 year old boy doing looking for a singing job and there is this on industry i want to work for its called the "CBNAS" and i her they are looking for someone to join and i want to give it a shout, thats why i am on my way there as i speak. When i get there i will show them my best and sing to them my song that i made from when i was 16, i don't think they will like it though....But its worth a try right! yea I CAN DO THIS NO SWEAT!!

"umm sir your to loud..." the man next to me said

"oh shit sorry" i answered back with a bow, then walked away. see i am in the bart taking it to the home of the industry. as i was walking out of the bart i was pushed and fell on the ground, as i looked up my heart dropped by the sight.

it was a boy he looked my age but short it was cute.

'Oi boy you okay?"the man said.

i was kicked out of my thoughts by him trying to talk to me.

"y-yes i am thank you" i said a little bit shy to talk to him.

'umm sorry i wan't look where i was walking" i said as i was standing up, funny i am taller then him he looks so cute i want to just hug him.

" no don't be sorry i am the one that was running i was in a hurry which i still am, hey do you know where the CBNAS industry is at?"

"wait your going there too, i am actually on my way there. are you going for the auditions?"

"no i am one of the judges, and i take it as that your one of the auctioneers?"

"yes i am it's nice to meet umm"

"levi..levi arckman but you can just call me levi"

"okay nice to meet you levi my name is eren jeager"

"same to you to eren now do you know where i can find the building?"

"umm i do but only one way its the fast way do you want to go with me?"

"i am willing to go with you, just don't annoy me got it?"

i swallowed hard when he said that" y-yes i understand"

"good let go i can't be late"

"got it follow me this way"

{eriri} [levi x eren]Mr.simpleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant