Wake up and sing

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Levi's POV

*it feels warm...why is it so warm...*
I felt a slight movement and shot up from my sleep to see Eren sitting up...naked...why is he naked. I looked down and saw I was naked too...did we...did i...OH GOD I HAD SEX WITH EREN! WHY DONT I REMEMBER LAST NIGHT?! DID I GET- " you were drunk last night we had sex and yes he said u liked and loved me and I said the same please don't be mad and leave." My thoughts were cut off by him as he said that I felt my face turn bright red...see I'm a place motherfucker so it's easy to see the red in my face...oh god he is looking. "Who did the fucking?" I looked at him and he blushed real hard I'm guessing I did. " y-you did" I made a mental fist in the air as victory.

"So...are we dating now?" I looked him with a curious face as he blushed more. "Do you want to date? Would it effect your job and my new job?" He looked happy but worried which is hard to make a face for but he does it so perfect. " well it will probably cause a ruckus but won't effect much if we date we would have to keep it a a down low for a while till everything is normal again." I said as I rubbed my eyes. I felt a softness on my lips and moved my hand from my eyes to see Eren kissing me...I kissed back and smiled *rare*.

We both got out of bed and lucky for me he got two bathrooms with showers and extra clothes that were to small for but perfect for me and my style too *dark gloomy* I went to look in his closet and noticed everything he owned was black yet he wore colorful clothes. I moved somethings around and noticed a box. It said "COLORS" on it. I raised a eyebrow and opened the box to see a lot of colorful things that all had labels that said "for important days" I guess the day before was important and last night. I heard a stop in the bathroom and I freaked out and closed the box and put it back moving everything back to it natural place and running on the bed. *haha* I laughed in my head at the sight. He walked out in full colors he looked good but I wanted to see him dress normal so I got up and walked to him. " a closet full of dark clothes and a box of colored clothes and u pick color?"
I laughed and looked at his face he was kinda flustered.  "Oh you saw the box huh, haha I can wear dark shit if you want me too but I will have to out my lip rings in and take the make up off my tattoos  too if we are going all out on the darkness."  I looked at him Confused, does he really have tattoos and pericings? "Yes I really do." I looked at him up and down, he don't look the type to have tattoos and pericing. " is that why you took a hour to get out the bathroom? You covered your tattoos ?" He nodded, and to think he was just taking a huge shit. I went to the closet and grabbed a black and grey stripped tank top and black skinny jeans with holes on the legs and handed it to him. I pushed him in the bathroom and told him to get himself looking like himself. As he did that I went to clean up the mess weave last night and ad some tea too.

Eren's POV

"Get your self looking like youself" levi said as he pushed me into the bathroom. I was happy he didn't care I had tattoos and pericings most people I dated hated them, he even fitted my old clothes which is amazing seeing as he is small as shit. * hahaha* I laughed to myself and turned the shower on singing my favorite song "nothing in the cage of my ribcage, got no hear to break like it that way, nothing in the cage of my ribcage!" As I showered. I heard a knock on the door "yes?" I heard levi laugh slightly I giggled a small giggled "you want tea or coffee " HMMMMMMM "coffee please black." I heard him make a "yuck" noise I laughed "or tea would be good too, make what ever you want I won't mind." He sighed in relief when I said that  "YOUR GETTING TEA!"   He said as he ran into that he kitchen. I got all the make up off and walked out the shower and got dressed in whay he picked, I have never worn these pants with this shirt but damn do they look good. I put on my nose rings with my lip rings and all my ear rings and to suprise my nipple rings which I'll tell him about later. My hair was red before but u dyed it light brown two days ago for the audition, but I'll dye it back later this week. Now should I wear boots, vans, or convers. Hmmmm vans. I walked to the bedroom and went to the other closet full pf shoes and picked out my white and black vans put then on and took a deep breath. "Okay levi don't look till I saw okay" I yell from the room.
" okay !" He yelled back, I walked out the room and peeked in the kitchen he was looking in the fridge for the milk, I creeped up behind him and put my hands over his eyes and smiled " boo!" And to my suprise he actually  jumped in Fright. I giggled as he hissed at me like a cat. " okay ready? " I said as I turned him around with my hand on his eyes still " yes show mee" He moved my hand and looked me up and down with a smirk.
Levi's POV

JESUS GOD OF MIGHTY wait did that even make sense. " you look amazing!" I poked his lip rings and then looked at his shirt and noticed little things. "Mmmm" I quickly lifted his shirt and saw two nipple pericing and smirked "you have those as well I see" I looked back up at him and smiled and poked them causing him to moan "haha interesting." He looked up "hey that's not fair I ain't up there I'm down here brat!" I said and made made a pout face. I poked his lip ring and he looked down. " your  schedule
Is clear till Friday you have a meeting with a with me and the others and someone else so be ready and dress normal." I said with a smile " I'll explain to them the reason for you looks at the audition and the looks now okay?" I said poking his rings more. I laughed the looked really cool and his tattoos he has so many I wonder what they mean...I'll ask later.

"What do you wanna do today, I'm free to seeing as your new agent our schedule is the same." I looked at him poking more of his bad jewelry. " you pick I don't mind going out or staying in but we will have to leave  In a few for something."  He looked at me with a smile. "Let's eat first then watch watch movie of your choice! " Oh god I sound like a puppy happy for his new master but really it's the other way around. "Okay do you need help cooking?" He is very sweet but I got this " no its okay go pick a movie." I said smiling, I don't know why I'm smiling so much, I never smile this much.

Eren POV

"Levi I forgot I don't own actual movies so do you wanna use Hulu, netflix, or crunchy roll?" I asked him as I walked into the kitchen. I looked at him as he had a face of deep thought is he okay? "Levi?..." I poke his cheek and he looks at me " I wanna get a lip pericing and a tattoo!" He looked at me with a sparkling looking in his eye. " okay well I was a tattoo artist before I went to the audition and I did a few pericing so I can do it for you if I want. " I looked at him smiling "okay will it hurt?" He looked at me poking my rings again "imma be completely honest with hun it hurts if you think of the pain, but I'll numb it if you want me to." He shake his head no which is brave of him I respect that. "Okay well let me know when you want me to and I will and give me a idea for how you want your tattoo done and what you want it to be and we can do thay the same day, now pick Hulu, netflix or crunchy roll?" I smiled and poked his nose "Hulu and okay" He said swatting my hand away like a cat trying to cat a string.  "HULU IT IS!" I YELLED WALKING AWAY. 

                   ~4 hours later ~
"Levi we gotta get ready to leave go get your shoes on okay"



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