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Okay here it is I have been think and I have a new updating schedule now. It will be discussed in the next chapter. TILL THEN STORY TIME.


I looked at him as he was fighting he looked he was enjoying it. "You okay eren? I was looking for you everywhere. Yes I know huge ass crowd why not look here first, I did...well I tried I could not see over the people...don't say shit. But I went around and looked again till I saw a opening in the crowd and say you." He looked at me and smiled then a girl walked up to him. " hey I need your number to send it to you is that okay?" She looked at me and smiled then to eren and did the same. " did she record the whole thing eren?" He isn't even answering me what the fuck. He gave her his number she smiled again and walked off and waved, the crowded slowly faded away and the cops showed up did their thing he showed the video and the eren pressed charges then changed his mind answering nd just asked for the money to fix the car door that horse keyed we got our shit...he still paid I felt bad and I was worried for him like fucking crazy. Yet he hasn't said anything yet.

Eren's POV

I can't speak right now shit I wish I could tell him why I can't. When I was fighting the guys I bit my tongue it hurts like shit I'm still tasting blood I just typed the girl telling her why I didn't say anything and to the cops as well but levi he seems worried...I don't want him to worry I hate when he worries. God my fucking tongue just I think my tongue jewelry broke I will have to check when we get to the house. I sighed.

How am I going to explain what happened to Mikasa. Life just got harder at this moment. I pulled over at a gas station and got out the car to go to the bathroom levi following close behind me of course. When we got in the bathroom I walked up to the dirty mirror and tried to stuck out my tongue, when I finally got it out as I said it was broken and I have little pieces of metal in my tongue. Levi came to see why I sighed and he grabbed my phone from my pocket and ran out side. I hope he isn't gmdo8ng what I think he is gonna do, I took the broken jewelry out but left the shards of metal they we to small for my hand to pick up. I walked out and went to the car checking if I had a spare tongue bar and I did but for now I have to keep it out.

Levi's POV

I saw what was wrong with him and I was pissed they did that to him those bastards will pay if I see them again. I grabbed his phone and ran out to the other side of the small gas station and went through his contacts trying to find his sister, by the way who doesn't have a lock on their phone like really come on. When I found it I hit call and got a answer right away but it was more of a yell. "EREN WHY DID-"   I stopped her before I lost my hearing "it's levi eren and me are going to be heading to the hospital he needs to get treated. When me and him where at the store a few guys one having the name jean attacked him and he got hurt pretty bad the cops came and everything he didn't press charges but only asked for the money to fix the car door the keyed, But his tongue bar thingy broke and now there is small pieces of metal in his tongue and he can't speak. I will send you the address and everything." Suprised by my words she said a quick okay and hung up I sent the address and walked off to the car to see Eren leaning on it. " yes I called her and yes your ands is going to the hospital get in the car I'll drive." I grabbed the car keys from him and kissed his cheek. He attempted to smile it was good enough.

We got in the car and I turned it on, his mom has good taste in cars I have to admit. I took the car out of park and put it In drive and press the gas. As I was driving I passed him...I had a slight heart attack when he saw me,  I forgot the window was down I keep my cool but eren noticed it and looked out the window on my side, I hope he didn't see Eren fuck if he did.

I keep driving pushing those thoughts out my head for the time being and made it to the hospital. I did the usual when parking a car. I got out and open the door for eren and we walked in but I locked the car doors first though. I took eren to this hospital cuz my friend owns it so it will be faster and all. I walked in and the front desk lady as I can see was new so she didn't know me, I didn't care though she better learn fast though. "Hey can you get Marko tell him it's levi and his boyfriend and be fast." I said with my normal voice and gave her and cold look, she stood up and huffed at me and eren and walked away. As she did I heard her mumbles. "If your going to mumble under your breath try doing it better, your gonna learn thing here real fast Newby my friend did hire and I will make sure he fires you too. Don't be disrespectful to someone you don't know got it Newby? " She looked at me scared and bowed saying sorry and hurried off to get Marko. We made our way to his office seeing as he isn't there *sigh* he never is.

I sat eren down and made sure he was comfortable seeing as he was freaking out, I'm guessing he isn't a fan of hospitals or doctors. I patted his back and grabbed his hand and smiled at him." Everything will be alright I'm right here, the owner to this place is at good friend of mine he will take good care of you don't worry. "  I tried to calm him, it worked to at point. I heard talking and it was Marko and the Newby something about me being a dick nothing new, they were about pass by "Marko my dearest old friend you always seem to forget that I'm in your office every time I come here." I spoke out loud still looking at eren. The foot steps stopped and came this way but faster then normal. " What are you doing in his office without permission that's rude! And disrespectful!" She spat out. I sighed and got up still holding Eren's hand and looked are the girl. Weirdly she was shorter then me I just noticed that so I was able to look down on her with a cold look. " AGAIN NEWBY YOU WILL LEARN FAST, IM A WELL KNOWN PERSON HERE IM A GOOD FRIEND OF YOUR BOSS AND I DO THIS ALL THE TIME, STAY IN YOUR PLACE LITTLE GIRL AND SAY IT DO-* before I could finish eren squeezed my hand as a way of telling me to stop.

I stopped for him and sat back down "get out of my face." I said with out looking at the girl. Eren handed me a wet wipe from markos desk I wiped my face and threw it away. "So levi nice to see you again, sorry about her she hates gays haha bad choice I know and I won't hear the end of it from you I also know. Buy to what do I own the pleasure in meeting your boyfriend?" He looked at eren and smiled,eren forced a smile which I know hurt him seeing as he flinched in pain. "We will have to save introductions for later I'm afraid, eren got into a fight and his tongue bar thingy broke now he has metal in his tongue and it hurts for him to speak or smile I need you to take them out and all that good things to make him feel better. His sister will be on her way too her name is Mikasa so tell that Newby, trust not even eren will be able to stop her from saying what on her mind." He nodded his head and page the Newby she came and was told then told about me and then eren she nodded and all that shit. "I will have to put him to sleep for me to do it all, the pain will be to much for him, but I need papers filled and permission from him and someone else to sign off too."

He looked at eren and noticed he was scared. I felt his hands get the shakes. I squeezed his hand to calm him. No use he is shaking bad. "Hey eren if u want I'll be there the whole time they do it, I will hold your hand the whole time too. And if you want Mikasa will be there too." He looked at me a nodded his head fast and slowly calmed down.  I heard a yell and eren shot up fast and ran around frantically looking for somewhere to hide. I guessing that's Mikasa.


Yupp that's her alright. She walked in the office and saw me first fuck not good I should of hid too... wait where's eren? "Where is eren?!" She spat out. What is up with the spitting as they talk holy fuck man, if I wanted a spit shower I would of asked. "Okay first off stop yelling please we just met and second I don't know he heard you got up and hid somewhere." She looked around and I did too, I looked at Marko and he was pointing to the closet. I walked over and opened it to see Eren in there all red. He walked out got yelled at we went over what is going to happen to Mikasa she agreed and filled the papers and than waited.
Okay so next chapter will be on next week guys sorry this one took so long I just started yesterday and got it done now there is a part 3 coming out and all till then 😛😜

{eriri} [levi x eren]Mr.simpleWhere stories live. Discover now