"Well Hunk is with Shay because she's going home tomorrow so I told Pidge to spend some time with her brother."

"So is Keith a new member of your band or somethin'?" Called Chloe from the laptop.

"Yeah, I am." Keith smiled.

"Oh! So you'll be spending lots of time with Lance! I hope you treat your new boyfriend well Lance!" An older woman called happily. Lance smiled.

"Of course Mama, I would never dream of doing anything else but treat him like the princess he is." 

Keith scowled, blushing deeply. Everyone laughed at Keith's reaction. "Lance! Will you bring him to meet us?" Called a young looking boy. 

"I don't know, he has people he wants to met when we get our breaks. And we don't get a lot of them!" Lance smiled apologetically. A young girl pouted, coming close to the screen along with the boy.

"Please uncle Lance!" The girl cried.

"Please, please, please!" The children yelled, their loud voices emitting from the laptop speakers and into the two boys' room. 

Lance winced at their behavior. "I'm sure I can come see you if possible! I can squeeze in some time to visit!" Keith spoke earning squeals of joy from the kids.

Suddenly, a door opened and shut in the back of the video. The smiles on everyone's faces faltered, especially Lance's. Keith reached over to Lance's hand squeezing it quickly. Lance looked up at Keith who gave him a questioning look. 

"Kids, you go out and play. You too, anyone from Lucas down, out!" The oldish looking woman called. The kids groaned, four people left leaving four others. A tall and slender woman with glasses and fawn hair pulled into a bun, a large man with dark skin and a goatee beard, an average height lady with fawn hair and a shortish and quite plump lady - the one who told the kids to leave. The plump lady sighed. "Well your father is back, would you like to talk to him?" 

Lance took a shaky breath and frowned. But he quickly smiled and nodded but Keith could see the force behind the smile. The plump lady turned to the people behind her, muttering something to them in a language Keith didn't know. The three of them stood up, walking out of the room. She then called out more words in the foreign language and soon a man came in. He was quite tall. Not too thin but not too big either. His head seemed to be balding, his hair line going so far back you could only see three clumps of hair except for his goatee beard and mustache. He gave a toothy smile to Lance, sitting down beside the plump lady and kissing her cheek. Keith guessed these were Lance's parents. How? Well, he did just kiss the lady who Lance called "Mama". 

"Hello Papa." This confirms Keith's guess.

"Hello my son! How are you?!" He boomed, Keith jumping slightly. He wasn't expecting such a loud voice to be honest. 

"Good, good! I hope you aren't working yourself too hard!" Lance cheered, smiling. His mood truly improved talking to this man, his fears that caused him to force a smile now disappearing. It was as if he forgot what he was afraid of. Keith couldn't help but frown, maybe that's what it would be like to actually have parents, to be able to talk to them and forget anything that upset you.

"And who is this young man over here?" Lance's father spoke. Keith looked up to see the man who now had glasses perched on his nose staring directly at him. Keith hadn't even noticed he zoned out!

Before Keith could introduce himself Lance spoke up. "This is my friend Keith, he's gonna be the new bassist in our band!" Lance smiled, eyeing Keith. Keith was confused and almost hurt at first until he realized something. 

"Yes, nice to meet you." Keith smiled at the man on the screen. 

"Pleasure is mine. I do hope I get to meet this young man in the future, son." The man smiled at Lance. "But I must be going, the town's looking for people to help with the local bonfire this weekend and I said I would bring my sons and I to help. Well, most of my sons of course!" The man slowly got up, his bones clearly aching from sitting down. 

"Are you sure you should be doing that with the arthritis in your knees, Papa?" Lance asked, frowning at his father's condition. 

"Oh, I'll be fine! I just need some time to loosen up my knees and then I'll be good. You behave son, it was great seeing you. And meeting you Kevin."

"Keith." Lance corrected. 

"Right, Keith. Goodbye."

Lance chuckled. "Bye Papa."

Once the man left Lance's mother smiled at the two boys. 

"Thank you for that Keith." Keith seemed confused but decided to not ask, just smile and say a simple "Not a problem".

"I should go. Lunch won't make itself! But be good, no funny business when I'm gone!" She smiled brightly, dimples forming in her plump cheeks.

"You're too much like Pidge Mama!" Lance laughed. Keith smiled slightly. 

"Ah! You should bring your whole band around. The kids would love it, especially baking with Hunk everyday. But the parents didn't appreciate all of the sugar going into their children..." She trailed off.

Lance laughed. "I'll see! Well make sure Papa doesn't work himself too hard. And if they visit, know to give them greetings from me!" Lance smiled. Keith hummed to himself, who are "they"?

"Of course, see you soon my child. Don't work too hard either!"

"Of course not."

"And Keith, keep my son in check."

"Of course Miss." Keith smiled softly at the woman. 

"Alright Lance, hang up, I don't know how to use thing thing..."

Lance laughed brightly, Keith only noticing the dimples in his tanned cheeks. It made Keith smile himself, Lance's laugh almost being contagious. Keith now began to blush, instead look at the struggling woman on screen. Now Keith couldn't even help but chuckle. Lance finally hung up after satisfying himself with enough laughs at his mother. He sighed, shutting his laptop and putting it away beside him. It then fell silent, the two sitting silently side by side. Keith sensed Lance's sadness from just siting beside him. But he couldn't think of anything to cheer him up.

"So... Uncle Lance." Keith smiled. 

Lance smirked cockily. "Yeah, I'm the best uncle there is, apparently." He spoke proudly. 

"Sure, sure." Scoffed Keith. 

Lance gasped, clutching a pillow and swinging it towards the boy next to him. He then smirked. "Be careful who you insult."

He was then hit with a soft yet hard impact in the face. Lance scrunched his face up in pain, surprised to see Keith with a smirk on his own face. He held his own pillow in hand, prepared to strike again. 

"Oh it's on!"

A lil bonus~

"Oh we are so sorry." Lance said one again to the cleaner. 

"It's fine, honest. Besides, I'm usually called up to this room to clean up much worse things. At least you tore the feather pillows from a pillow fight..." She spoke, sweeping up the small white feathers which covered up the whole bed.

"Oh... okay then..."

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