For The 3rd Time.

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"Hi Mom! Hi Granny. "I said as  I hugged them both.

"Hello darling. How are you? You looked thin. Have you been eating?"Granny asked as she looked me from head to toe.

"Of course Granny. I've been eating more than the usual. HEHE."I answered

"I should never agree to your decision in living on your own."she said.

"Come on Granny. You're over reacting. I've gained already a kilo since we met."

"Don't fool me young lady."

Mom interrupted our conversation.

"Rosé, darling, there is something I need to tell you."Mother said.

"What is it? "

"Your Granny will go to London."

"You already told me that this morning."I said

"Yes. I am going with her. We'll be there for quite sometimes. More than a month or so."

"What? What are you going to do there?"I asked them

"Well, I'm going to have a treatment there."Granny answered

"I don't understand you. Are you sick Granny?"

"Unfortunately, Yes I am. I have ovarian cancer darling."

Tears is falling on my eyes. I can't believe on what they've said to me. 

"I'm not dying, sweetheart."Granny said. "Don't worry, it is still stage 1. That's why I need to go London to have the treatment there. You're mother knows someone there that is best in oncology treatment."she continued.

"I'm going with you." I offered to come. I need to be with my Granny.

"No Darling. You need to be here. School is almost near. "

After our conversation, my mom and grandma went to the airport. They didn't let me go with them since it will be bothersome to my part according to them. They just don't want me to cry.  I'm a cry baby.

I told Greg to go home first,that I'm meeting some friends. He didn't bother to ask questions. I lied, I need to be alone to think about things.

I decided to walk, no particular destination. I was walking for almost 2 hours, I have noticed a day time bar. I went inside and decided to have a drink. I'm not a drinker. But I need it right now.

The bar wasn't crowded. That's good. I sit in a corner and ordered. I don't know any kind of drinks. I just picked based on it's name.

"1 order of Angels Tears Vodka. 1 bottle." I said

"Sorry miss, but we serve it through glass." the waiter said

"I know. But I need 1 bottle. I'll pay whatever is the cost of that f****** drink."

"Okay okay miss." the waiter said, a bit stuttered.

They served it quickly. I drank it as if it is not my first time. It was good,although it hurts on your throat as the liquor passes by.

I was on my 3rd glass when my surroundings was blurry. I was feeling hot. Am I drunk already? I closed my eyes for a minute.

When I opened my eyes,I saw a guy sit on my table.

"Hey Miss, I've noticed your alone. Mind if I join you?" he said

He looks like a rapist. He has a beard.  I tried to fix myself, not looking drunk.

"I'm sorry. I'm not in the mood to meet random guys. Besides, you are not my type. You looked like a rapist." I said. Oops, Am I that too honest? This is an effect of the vodka.

"Am I? But I'm the best guy you'll ever meet here." he said. He transferred to another chair, close to mine.

"Really? You look not. I can tell you're one of those f*** boys in this country."

"You're playing hard to get. I like that." he put his arm in my shoulder, he tried sniffing me as if I am a meal. "You're fresh. I like it even more." he continued

"Can you stay away from me? You rubbish f****** guy." I shouted

The guy just laughed and held my hand. He held it like it gonna break.

"You're hurting me. Don't touch me." I said, but the guy was strong. I don't have strength. My surroundings was freakin' blurry.

"Sshhhh. I'll let you sleep once we go out from here." the guy whispered "Have a drink for the last time before we leave." He offered.

I was about to take the drink, a tall guy came, snatched the drink and drink it.

"Bro, I think you need to leave the girl alone." the guy said

"Who are you?" the rapist looking guy asked. "As you can see, we're having fun here."

"Hey I don't know either of you." I said and drink the bottle of vodka.

"Hey sweetie, slow down." the guy said

"Don't touch me. Maniac! " I took away his hand and I slapped him.

"Bitch! " the guy said and he tried to slap me.

"I don't think it's appropriate to do that to a lady." the tall guy said.

"Who the fuck you are anyway?"

"I'm her boyfriend. And you are f****** gross!" the tall guy said and punched him.

He pulled me and walked away. I didn't take to look back to the rapist looking guy.

When we were outside the bar, we went to a black car. He offered me to ride.

"I don't think so. I don't know you." I refused. I am in myself right now. A little bit drunk but I can manage. After what this guy did to that rapist looking guy, my senses were back.

"I also don't know you miss. Look! I just save your a** from that maniac there. Here you are, being stupid, refusing my offer." the guy said

"I didn't ask you to help me."

"Whatever. Ride or you'll see that maniac again."

I went inside to his car. I buckled the seatbelt. So he does. He started the  engine and drive.

"Where do you live?" he asked

"I won't tell you." I answered.

"Right. Here we go again."

"Just drive anywhere. I don't want to go home yet."

"I'm not your driver." he irritatingly said. "Miss, I still have to go somewhere." he continued

"Then bring me there. I want to go with you. Like you've said, you helped me a while ago, so you are not a bad guy. That's why I'm going with you. "

"WTH." the guy whispered

I closed my eyes and sleep. The guy said something but I didn't mind him. Wherever he goes today, I'll go with him.

Author's Note

You have encountered the drunk Rosé  ! It was her first time to go to a bar.  Thanks to that tall guy who saved our damsel in distress. Well, who will be that guy? Will Lana remembers him?

I know you already know guys. Stay tuned. Hahahaha


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