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The next day Philip wakes up he feels a little better but his head isn't all the way in the game. He wakes up head still on Lukas' chest and snoring.

Philip chuckles at that and decides after everything Lukas did for him yesterday he'll let him sleep...... just this one time.

He starts thinking about Lukas and how happy he is which reminds him on his mother,and he smiles when he thinks of her then he remembers that Lukas' mom passed.

He feels a little guilty that Lukas doesn't have a mom to tell her he loves her,or hug her. He can't help but blame himself. He thinks he did something wrong because Lukas won't tell him about his mom. The only thing Lukas had ever told Philip about his mom was that they collected sugar packets and see who had the most. Which Philip really appreciated because it was a really scary time for them and he was taken by surprise when he told him.

But now they're safe and together and in love more than ever and Lukas still won't tell him. He thinks about waking Lukas up to ask him but he just said to himself that he'll let Lukas sleep.

"Fuck it." Philip mutters

'Lukas, lukas." Philip says shaking Lukas a bit.


"How come you never talk to me about your mom?"

Lukas sat up on his elbows and gave Philip the most puzzled look ever.

"I don't know,"  Lukas said looking away.

Philip touches Lukas' face and he flinches. Philip is a little hurt by that but he brushes it off and focus' on what really matters.

"Do you not trust me?" Philip says calmly as he possibly can.

"I do." Lukas says, voice barely above a whisper.

"Is it your dad, does he not like you talking about her."

Philip can see Lukas visibly shaking and he can see that Lukas is getting uncomfortable.

"T-th-ats..... th..ats not it." Lukas whispers. Barely being able to form s sentence.

At this moment Philip knows Lukas is nervous. He always stuttered like that when he was nervous.

"Hey, look at me."

Lukas slowly turns his head to look at Philip. His eyes are so blue that it sends shivers down Philips spine. Philip feels like he's going to puke again beginning to feel sick a little but he brushes it off because he really wants to have this conversation with Lukas even if that means vomiting mid sentence.

"Why are you nervous?"

"I... I told you, that you just make me nervous, and I just...don't wanna cry in front of you. I don't like crying in front of you..." Lukas says voice cracking.

"It's okay to cry." Philip whispers.

Philip doesn't like it when Lukas cries but ultimately it'll make him cry but if that'll get Lukas to open up that's just something he'll have to do.

"I'm just. Scared of remembering her." Lukas says tears slipping down his face.


"It just, makes me sad and I start crying uncontrollably because as much as I hate to say it I barely knew my mom. I really wish I had a mother-son bond like you have with your mom. I like to think that your mom is like my second mom and then I get happy because I think maybe, i-i. I get a second chance. I'm not saying that it's my moms fault she didn't want to die it jus-----"

Lukas stops and put both of his hands on his face. He brings his knees up and puts his face into his knees. Philip can hear Lukas sobbing. That's something Philip never saw Lukas do and frankly he hates it. But it warms Philips heart to think that Lukas thinks of his mom as both of their moms. But not in a weird way. A mother in law kind of way.

"It's okay, Lukas." Philip said cutting Lukas off moving closer to rub his back.

"I'm not going to say I understand, because I don't. I love that you think of my mom as your second mom. My mom loves you and I'm sure she loves that idea as much as I do."

"I just want to make my mom proud." Lukas says in the same position not lifting his head up.

"I bet she's already proud of you. I mean, look how far you've come. All the progress you've made since everything that has happened to you, most people aren't as half as brave as you are."

This conversation is going good and Lukas was about to reply but before he can Philip runs into his bathroom and vomits in the toilet. It was the most vomit Lukas has ever seen and it just keeps coming out.

Lukas gets up as fast as he can and walks behind Philip rubbing his back as he continues to throw up.

"Baby, you're okay." Lukas says into Philips ear.

Philip tries to stand up but when he makes his way to his feet he falls right back down."Why am I so sick all of a sud-" philip couldn't finish his sentence as he threw up into the toilet more.

When he's done. Lukas lifts philip up throws on some house shoes and starts walking towards Helen and Gabes room.

"I'm taking Philip to the hospital." Lukas says entering their room.

"Lukas, no." Philip barely mutters.

"What's wrong?" Gabe asks

"He keeps throwing up, and he still can't stand up."

Helen picks up her car keys.
"You take my car." Helen says handing Lukas the keys.

"And Gabe and I will be following you in gabes truck." She finishes.

"Okay, thanks" lukas says walking out of their room and down the stairs he hears Helen and Gabes footsteps behind him.

'Maybe I'm sicker than I think I am.' Philip thinks.

Eyewitness: Philip and Lukas: Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora