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A/N: I have decided to change Betty's record company's name to Simply records. 💗


Back at the penthouse, I wake up tired. No one knows I'm awake just yet and I want to keep it that way. I can tell it's morning by the light floating in under the curtains and the sound of my family outside the door. I don't know how I'm going to face my dad or even contemplate what I'm going to say about him supposedly buying me a music deal.

It's added stress that I don't need.

And my head feels like it's splitting in half with acid rain pouring inside.

I stop breathing when the door starts to open, turning my head to see Dad stepping inside the room. We share a moment and stare at one another, giving nothing away. I don't move, and neither does he, seeming like he's not sure where to put himself. It only takes a few seconds for the ice to break though, dad striding towards the bed with his usual confidence.

"I'm going to explain everything, okay? But, I need for you to hear me out. I don't expect for you to want to, but it is important that you do," Dad says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I start to sit up, so my back rests uncomfortably on the wooden headboard. "I'll listen."

In the boardroom, my dads always so calm and collected, maybe even a little ruthless when it comes to his decision making. But, at home, he's always been a big fluffy teddy bear, telling us to be as naughty as we want as long as we don't get caught.

So, a part of me thinks he could only have had the best intentions in buying me a deal, while the other part of me stings with embarrassment that he had to go to such lengths.

I let him take my hands, watching him cup them and then kiss my wrist. "All of your success is down to you. I need for you to know that, darling. I never bought your contract. I simply paid for a few talent scouts to appear at your performances and watch you on YouTube."

I lower my head. "I want you to tell me the truth. You don't need to sugarcoat it," I try for a smile, "I'm a big girl now."

Dad shakes his head. "You will always be my little girl, and I'll always tell you the truth. I could see how torn up you were over the breakup and I wanted for you to forget about the pain. You are so talented in your music, and I know ever since you were a little girl that you dream of being a pop star. I researched a few record labels and sent out your cover CD, but nothing came of it.

"As I'm afraid in some industries, it isn't what you know, but who. But, I am sure you are aware of that. A client put me on to a contact that talent scouts for a few labels, but they always emailed back telling me that they too busy with their schedules. The business man in me said to offer them things they wanted to make their lives easier and you happy, but the father in me said to run it by you first. Bribery is never a good thing, but you were so torn up, and I knew that if you got even a little bit of good news, it might help your sadness.

"I paid for their time and hotel stay, and they came to watch you perform. I'll be honest, I did give them extra to boast about you to the producers at Simply, but they didn't need to. It only took them one song to realise you're a star. I may have given donations to the company to help speed the process along," he tilts his lips to the side, "and made every family, friend, worker and client buy your debut album."

I have to laugh, imagining him doing it completely. "You can't force people to buy my stuff. Personal preference, dad."

"I wasn't forcing anyone. They willingly bought it because they know how good you are. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. But, I'm ninety-nine percent sure it would be illegal for a record company to accept payment to take an artist onto their books. It's all you, darling. Nobody else."

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now