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It's two days later, and I'm still at Finn's house, spending every waking moment with him. We wake up, go to the gym, catch-up with my family and then come back to eat and lounge around the house. It feels so normal to be in his company. There's never any awkwardness, apart from when he gets too close, and I lose memory of who I am. The more time I spend with Finn in this relaxed setting, the closer I feel to him. And, I wonder if he thinks the same way.

"I'm warning you now Hayden will probably hit on you," Finn says, tipping the pizza rolls into a big bowl.

Finn's friends Hayden and Drake are coming around for a lads night that consists of booze, food and FIFA. I was going to suggest that I go back home, but he insisted that I stay, telling me his friends were more excited about seeing me than spending time with him.

I laugh. "So I should avoid him?"

"Nah, he's harmless. Tell him to go away and he will," he replies, putting my cans of cocktails in the fridge.

"How long have you known them?" I smile.

"Years and years," he shakes his head. "They are a pain in the arse, but I love them all the same."

I hear laughing and turn towards the back kitchen door to see two guys stood with their noses pressed up against the window. Finn goes over to the door and tugs it open, so both men stumble inside.

I like them already.

"Betty Larsson, well I never," the brown haired guy says, covering his mouth in a feminine gesture.

Finn reaches out to slap the back of his head. "Enough, Hayden. Can you ever act like a normal human being?"

Hayden dodges Finn's hand and dashes over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he comes to stand behind my back. "Save me from the big guy, Betty."

Finn closes his eyes for a beat and then flares his nose when Hayden's hands go north towards my chest. "Knock it off, Hayden. Or I'll beat your ass black and blue."

"Finn if you wanted me, you could have just told me," he says, fluttering his eyelashes.

The other guy who I'm assuming is Drake, folds over in laughter while Finn looks like a fish out of the water. I can't keep my laughter in as Hayden makes kissy faces.

"Don't encourage him," Finn says to me.

I close my lips tight but end up snorting anyway.

Hayden suddenly stops and walks towards the fridge acting as nothing happened. "Anyone for a beer?"

"I'll need two if I have to deal with you tonight," Finn grumbles.

"You love me, big guy."

Finn holds his hand out for the beer. "Yeah, like a brick to the nuts."

"You have such a way with words," Hayden glances at me, "you lucky girl."

My cheeks heat. "Can I have a tin of cocktail please?"

"Cocktail coming right up," he routes around for ages, turning back with two in his hand. "Mojito or Cosmo?"

I smile. "Surprise me."

Hayden's eyes darken. "Oh, I can surprise you all right."

"Hayden," Finn growls.

Drake comes to stand next to me, and I notice how kind his eyes are when he glances down. "Ignore him. We found his sorry ass on the crazy train."

"Oi, dick head. You're one to talk," Hayden shouts, tossing me a can.

I jump into action almost tripping over the chair leg when I move forward to catch the can in my hands.

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now