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Welcome to Protecting Love. 💗

Eeek! Thank you so much for coming on this writing journey with me!!

I hope you are enjoying the series.

Lots of love,

Holly xo


The wind is in my hair, and my ears sting with the noise of the crowd who sing the lyrics back to me and clap their hands, a sea of bodies bobbing up and down with a few on the shoulders of their friends and loved ones, and it's electric. I jump up and down when the drum picks up, and I see my VIP's cheering me on in the pit near the stage. A sellout crowd. Who'd have thought it? Not me. The loose white dress on my body sways everywhere with the movements, and the Aztec pom poms on my gladiator sandals bounce along with me. I can feel the beads of sweat trickling down my back, and my lungs burn, telling me to slow down, but I don't want to, it's too much fun.

The lyrics to my latest song pour from my mouth as the DJ, Blazin' works his way around the decks, hyping it up for the festival vibe. The sky is pitch black with no stars in sight, but the harsh white, pink and purple lights spraying from my stage soon sort it out. The people in the audience are all wearing necklaces and bracelets that light up in time with the beat, showing me some of their faces. It's my last song of the night, and I want to give it everything I have, not wanting to leave the stage. It's my safe place.

There are a set of stairs in the middle of the stage which leads to a smaller platform where I can mingle in with the first few rows of festival goers, who are now screaming my name at the top of their lungs when I walk up to them. Blazin' has the nightlife beat down to a T, as it plays out encouraging everyone to move their bodies. I tip my head back and move my body around in a circle, trying to remember the dance moves Esme, my choreographer, taught me the previous night. I hit several high notes, and the crowd goes wild.

"Betty! Betty! Ohmigod, Betty!" I hear someone scream and I look down to see two young women almost crying, their hands reaching up to me over the barriers.

I get on my knees and reach out to them so I can hold their hands, always incredibly grateful for the support. I can sense my security guards homing in on us and brace for them to tug me away from the women. "I love you," I tell them and they scream the same at me, now a pair of blubbering angels.

"Betty, away. You know you shouldn't do that," Finn shouts, pushing me back so he can stand in front of the women.

I don't get the problem with it. I want to thank my supporters. Is it too much to ask?

I climb back onto my feet and stare down at him, seeing his deep brown eyes match my own, the tips of his plump lips slanting up at the edges. The very mouth I've fantasised over kissing on many lonely nights in empty hotel rooms and tour buses supporting bigger music artists who are helping me in my journey into cracking the industry. Finn always by my side, while giving off an untouchable energy, his mind focused on his job in protecting me.

"California, you are amazing," I say into my microphone, when I hear the beat fading, knowing it's my queue to leave. "I love you all!"

"Wave and go off stage," a voice says in my ear piece.

I give the crowd one last wave, blow them a kiss and then dash towards the stage exit, handing my microphone to the stage runner and crash right into my assistant, Jade, who tells me it was my best performance yet. I don't have time for small talk, but don't want to appear rude, so I nod and listen to every word she says. Interviews. Signings. All of which I don't have time for when I need to jump on a plane and fly halfway across the world to make my brother's wedding.

Protecting Love (LarssonSiblingSeries #3)Where stories live. Discover now