Merry Christmas?!

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**A few months later**

Tessa POV
So tonight is our last date in Los Angeles, California before Emilio and Ivan go out to Spain for an early christmas with their parents... plus they dont have their Visa yet so they have to go out to Spain every 6 months.
Tessa: hey Emi
Emilio: hey Tess, whats wrong??
Tessa: Nothing. I am not that excited for you to leave to go to spain for a week.
Emilio: me too. I really wish you could come...:(
Tessa: Hey wait, maybe i can come. I can buy a ticket right now.....
Emilio: hey i have an idea..
Tessa: what??
Emilio: you can come fly to Spain 3 days before me and Ivan are leaving Spain.... then you can see where Ivan and I grew up, and you can meet my family.
Tessa: thats a great idea.... ill go buy the ticket
Emilio: no, you go find ghe ticket and i will buy it for you
Tessa: no baby you dont have to. I can pay for it.
Emilio: no babe i wanna buy it for you.
Tessa: No I can do it... you dont have to spend your money..... you already had to buy your ticket.
Emilio: okay fine whatever you would like....
Tessa: I love you❤
Emilio: I love you too. I am going to go talk to Ivan for a bit and see if he is ready
Tessa: okay sure bye love you. Ima get some stuff packed

Emilio POV
So Tessa is going to meet in Spain, 3 days before Ivan and I head home. I should probably tell Ivan. I
Want to suprise my mom and Rebecca with Tessa coming out to my home town. I want to take her on a Yachtt ride with my brother and my family while we are out there... maybe Erika can come too. Im sure Ivan will want Erika to come too so she can meet our family. I will go talk to him.

Ivan: yo bro..... were did you put the laptop... i need it to edit our vlog before we get on that plane tomorrow.
Emilio: i dont know bro, i think its on your bed in Erikas room... last time i seen you with it you were walking into Erikas room.
Ivan: okay ill get it after... so whats up??
Emilio: nothing, hey i was thinking Since Tess is coming to Spain 3 days before we leave i was wondering if you wanted to see if Erika wants to come too?
Ivan: wait since when is Tessa coming??
Emilio: well since like 20 minutes ago.
Tessa and Erika can fly out to Spain together.
Ivan: ya ill talk to Erika.... im sure she will want to come.
Emilio: well jake had this tazor walk thing idea set up in mind.... wanna join in....??
Ivan: nah, well maybe...
Emilio: Come on dude.... WE ARE SAVAGES
Ivan: ya okay lets do it.... FOR SPAIN
Emilio: Yes, FOR SPAIN
Ivan: peace bro
Emilio: peace, ima go help jake set up

Tessa: Omfg Emilio you are going to hurt yourself running through that....
Emilio: no babe its okay ill survive..
Tessa: okay ima go get smothies with Erika and Megan.
Emilio: okay babe i love you **kisses tessa**
Tessa: bye **kisses Emilio**

Tessa POV 
So when me Erika and Megan were on our way back Chance, Anthony, Nick and Jake all started chasing us with tazors.... untill we got to the house... Uncle Kade, Uncle Nathon and Chad were standing on my balcony untill Jake Chance and Toner run up to my room..... they have huge balloons filled with water..... Jake came down and threw one at me.... it hit my chest.... i felt a tear come down my cheek. Then i ran inside got an ice pack and went to my room.
I seen Emilio on the couch while i was walking to the kitchen but i ignored him.... my chest hurt too much. About 2 minutes went buy and then Emilio walks into my room.
Emilio: hey babe whats wrong
Tessa: Jake threw a water ballon and it hit my chest. It real-ly h-urt-s....
Emilio: Seriously, i am going to get him back i cant belive he hurt you. Are you okay??
Tessa: No, Can we go to the doctors to get pain medication, but Babe im tired..... Can i just stay here
Emilio: of course, i will go get medication you can stay here, and rest.
Tessa: Thank you, Im really sorry Emilio, are we still going on that date today??
Emilio: of course we can if you still want to go on that date, and i will go get your medicine.
Tessa: ya i still want to go on that date
But only if you promise that you will sleep with me tonight before you leave tomorrow.
Emilio: i will do whatever you want me to do.

**Later that evening, before the date**
Tessa: hey Emilio, thanks again for getting me the medication.
Emilio: Yeah babe No problem, anything for you. Are you ready for the date.
Tessa: Ya just let me put my dress on.
Emilio: ill leave
Tessa: No.
Emilio: but you are getting changed
Tessa: I dont care, you can stay right there
Emilio: uhh okay... whatever you want me to do.

After Tessa got changed they got in an uber and headed to the beach.
Emilio: Babe you look super--
Tessa: uh, Emilio
Emilio: wait, what
Tessa: hahaha you were talking and you zoned out while staring at me.
Emilio: oh my, im sorry you just look so beautiful
Tessa: thank you.
Emilio: your welcome
Tessa: well lets get going
Emilio: yeah

So durring the date they sat by the beach and watch the waves crash into the sand. During the entire date they started complimenting each other and talking about how excited they were for their trip in Spain. Near the end it turned out to them kissing each other for the longest time. The clock hit 9 o'clock so then they got an Uber and headed home because the boys had to fly out the next morning for Spain.

**the next morning**
Tessa: Emilio, promise to message me everyday, if you can sometimes call me.
Emilio: Tessa, I wouldnt miss it even if it ment the world.
Tessa: aww... i love you... i will see you soon....
Emilio: yes.. in 4 days... Ivan and I will pick you and Erika up from the airport when you guys get there
Tessa: okay babe i love you!!
Erika: Bye Ivan i love you.... bye Emilio cya soon.
Ivan: i love you Erika..... I will see you and Tessa soon...
Emilio: Bye Erika, Bye Tessa. Cya soon.
Ivan: Okay Emilio Lets go..... Stop  kissing Tessa. ..
Emilio: haha then you stop kissing Erika...
Ivan: dude i did, 5 minutes ago. We are going to be late.... lets go
Emilio: ya, ya... bye guys.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed. Im sorry for not posting right away,
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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