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"Alex? Have you seen my right shoe?" Erik yelled from the bedroom.

"I thought you took them off by the door," I yelled from Jacob's room.

"I thought I did until I found one in the bedroom," he yelled back.

I looked at Jacob. "Did you take Erik's shoe?"

He raised his hands. "No, Momma."

"Jacob," I said with a look, and Jacob looked at me with those big blue eyes. God, he looks so much like his dad. I miss Jake and miss him more when I looked at Jacob. I got my composure. "Go find Erik's shoe."

"Okay," Jacob said as he toddled out of his room. I needed a moment.

Jacob found Erik's shoe and took it to him. Erik looked at Jacob, and Jacob shrugged.

"Little man, we need to have a serious talk about you are running off with my shoe," Erik said as he held his shoe up. He pulled it on, then tickled Jacob, causing Jacob to laugh as he picked him up.

I came out of Jacob's room, and Erik saw me.

"You okay?" Erik asked.

"Yeah, I had a moment," I said, trying to maintain my composure. Erik pulled me to him as he kissed me. Then we grabbed our stuff and left.

First, we needed to drop Jacob off at Maggie's before meeting everyone.

We walked onto campus and grabbed our schedules before meeting up with everyone.

"Ah, Senior year, where all the newbies come and have these grand ideas," Matt said, looking around campus.

"Too bad, nothing ever goes to plan," Ryan said as I rolled my eyes. Grace hauled off and pinched Ryan. "Ow, what's that for?"

"Don't be a twit." She rolled her eyes, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I need a coffee-like stat," Ashley said.

Erik wrapped his arm around me as we all made our way to the coffeehouse. I had to agree; I needed a coffee.


I woke up to see a door open, and someone threw something to me. The door slammed shut, and I searched around to find bread. I grabbed whatever I could and ate. I was so hungry.

The door opened again, and someone walked in, setting a cup down in front of me. I looked at the guy as they turned and walked away. I picked up the cup and sniffed it, then tasted the water.

I sipped the water slowly. I had to conserve the food the guys gave to me. I crawled over to a wall and picked up a rock, dragging it against the wall, marking the day. It's how I kept track now.

Jacob should walk now and talk. He would be fifteen months old. Jacob, Alex, I needed to get out of here. I had to find a way out. I felt around for any place that seemed weak. Then I found it.

I grabbed a rock and started digging. I would get out of here and leave.


We walked into the coffeehouse, and I walked the counter, getting everyone's coffee together. Gloria came out from the back. "Hey, Alex."

"Hey, Gloria," I greeted her. She went about getting things ready. When I finished, I took the coffees over to everyone and sat down next to Erik.

We all talked about senior year and what would happen after we graduated. Everyone decided that maybe it was time to make this our home. I knew I was making Landview my home. Landview has been my home for almost three years.

When I came here, I went with the guise of running from Frank, then everything changed. I was no longer Alexis Burmington. I was now Alex Taylor Holland.

I can't believe it since I got here. I got married, had a baby, and became widowed all before the age of twenty-one. It seemed surreal.

Then I look at my friends. Because of them, I could get through it all. I hope that when we graduate, we will be friends forever because they are family to family, and I mean everything.

Chase got into the car and handed Ace a file. He flipped through it and looked at Chase. "You sure about this?"

"Ace, after what happened with the Santiago's, I know better than to second guess anything, but Frank's running, and he's not alone," Chase assured him.

"Well, he's not running for long. Round up the boys. I want Frank found, and I want him dead," Ace ordered.

As Chase was about to start the car, Brax pulled up. "We got a problem."

"Now what?" Ace growled.

"The brother and a few others are going after the boy. Figure it will keep their prisoner in line," Brax told Ace.

"Well, now that was their second mistake," Ace said to them.

"What was the first?" Chase asked.

"Going after family," Ace said with a look as Chase and Brax looked at each other. That was so not good. As they say, you can run, but you can't hide, not with family.

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