Sebastian: It seems she made us uniforms knowing our masters won't like the ones here.
Honey: Really!
Sebastian: I guess.
Yasuchika: She's makes all kinds of clothes so I expected that.
Claude: Have you seen all the ones she made?
Yasuchika: No but we can go take a look. I know where she keeps them.

We all got up and walked to Music room #2. I smiled and we walked in. I felt like we were being watched so I looked up. I seen Dallas, Mason, Aimee, and Helena looking at us curious. They flipped off and landed infront of us.

Dallas: Do you need something?
Yasuchika: Can we look at the clothes you made?

Once he said that they all froze. Their watches buzzed and they looked at them. They sighed and looked at us.

Dallas: Maybe later. We need to do something.

They went to one of the closets and pulled something out. They each had a bag and walked out. We walked to a closet and seen some a dresses. Sebastian went to the window and looked out. We walked over and seen 4 figures running out of the school yard. They stopped and looked at us. The one in white grabbed something and threw it. Sebastian caught it and it was a knife. We looked back and seen they were gone. We looked at Alice and she looked nervous.

Alice: I know who those people were in cloaks.
Ceil: Who were they?

She was about to answer but the one of the cloaked figures covered her mouth. We looked and seen all of them.

Dallas: You will know who were are later. Right now you can't tell Alice. You never know something bad could happen to you.

They left and Alice sighed. She came to me and I picked her up. She looked at me and whispered in my ear.

Alice: Mason, Aimee, Dallas, and Helena were the ones in the cloaks.

I looked at her shocked and she hushed me. I nodded and I looked at the closet that they pulled the bags out. I walked over to it and opened it. There was cloaks and dresses made for assassins.

Kyoya: You might want to see this.

They were walking over and 4 knifes came flying at them.Sebastian and Claude caught them and we seen Aimee, Dallas, Helena, and Mason looking at us.

Aimee: Close those doors or we'll do worse.
Sebastian: Whats in it then?
Dallas: Clothes.
Ceil: Then why don't you want us to see them?
Mason: Just don't. Please leave.
Claude: Tell us who you are first.
Dallas: No. You should leave.

They sighed and nodded.  We walked out but I was the last one. I turned around and looked at them. They were looking at me curious. I closed the door and looked at them. 

Kyoya: Dallas why do you have assassin clothes?
Dallas: No reason. Please leave this room.

I nodded and walled out.

Dallas pov.

once he walked out we sighed. We got our real clothes and changed. We walked out and seen Alice waiting. She came over to us and I picked her up. We walked out of school and we to the cabin. I made us something to eat and they thanked me. I nodded and handed Mason a pain killer. He nodded and took it. I said bye and left with Alice.

Dallas: Where do you want to go?
Alice: I want to stay with you!
Dallas: Okay.

We walked to the mansion and I let her in my room. She layed down and fell asleep. I smiled and turned around. I seen my brothers and froze.

Dallas: Yes?
Honey: Where did you go when you left the room?
Dallas: No where important. Why do you ask?
Chika: We were just wondering.

I nodded and they left. I layed down next to Alice and started thinking. I fell asleep and smiled. I woke up and seen that Alice was awake. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and we went down stairs. Dinner was served and we bowed before sitting down. We all ate and I did the dishes. We went back to my room and I was about to fall asleep but my watch buzzed. Alice looked at me and I smiled sadly at her.

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