Chapter 1

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Dallas pov.

I sighed as I got off the plane. I walked to the limo and the driver drove to Ouran High. I thanked him and walked into the pink school. I walked threw the halls and heard whispering. I ignored it and arrived at the chairman office. I knocked and entered. I smiled alittle and sat.

Dallas: Hello I'm the new student.
Mr.Suoh: Hello I'm Mr.Suoh. What's your name dear?
Dallas: Dallas Haninozuka sir.
Mr.Suoh: Well it's a pleasure to meet you Dallas.
Dallas: You too sir. May I please have my uniform?

He nodded and gave me a box. I looked in it and almost gagged. It was a dress. I sighed and looked at him.

Dallas: May I please have a boys uniform?
Mr.Suoh: Of course. Here you go!

He handed me one and I smiled. I bowed to him and he handed me my schedule. I thanked him and went to the showers. I got changed and went to my class. I got to 2-B and knocked. I entered and the teacher and students turned to look at me.

Teacher: Hello you must be our new student! Please introduce yourself.
Dallas: Hello I'm Dallas Haninozuka.
Teacher: Well I hope you enjoy your year Dallas. Please take a seat by Tamiki. Tamiki raise your hand.

I seen a hand raise and went to the window. I looked and seen Tamiki looking at me. He waved and I ignored him and payed attention to class. I listen to the teacher blabber on and on until the bell rang. It was time for lunch. The rest of the students walked out of the classroom and I was the last one to leave. I took my time to get to the lunchroom. I walked in and went to a corner that didn't have many people. I opened my lunch and seen a apple and pear. I started to eat and grabbed my sketchbook. I grabbed my pencil and started drawing my brothers and cousin training. I smiled and finished the page. I went to a different one and started drawing Mitsukuni with his bunny. I finished and colored it. I went to another page and drew Yasuchika reading a book. I did the colors and finally drew my cousin playing with my brothers. I smiled slightly and put my book and pencils back. I looked at the time and it was free period. I smiled and waited for everyone to leave. They did and I left. I explored the halls until I reached music room #3. I looked at it curious and opened the door. Once I did I seen a bright light and rose petals flying around me. I heard 7 voices say welcome. Once the light cleared I seen 7 people. One was a girl that looked like a boy. I looked at them curious until I got to two boys. I instantly turned around and closed the doors. I heard people say wait but I didn't care. I jumped up and carefully balanced on the edge of the door frame. The doors opened and they all ran out except for the girl. I crawled in and hung from the ceiling. I heard a gasp and seen the girl looking at me. I made a hush motion and she nodded. The rest of the people came back in and looked confused. They all sat down at a huge table and I started to listen to their conversation.

Tamiki: Does anyone know who that was?
Kyoya: That was the new student. Her name is Dallas Haninozuka. She Honey sister.
Honey: We haven't seen her in 3 years.

The doors busted open and my other brother came in and he growled at Mitsukuni. I sighed and they got ready to fight. I smirked and grabbed my daggers. They both jumped in the air and I shot my daggers. They hit their pants legs and they shot their weapons. This went along for a long time until Kyoya spoke.

Kyoya: You both already lost.
Honey: What?
Hikaru: Look down.

They did and seen my daggers. It went quiet and they looked at each other confused. I chucked and they pulled my daggers out. I heard a crack and seen part of the beam I'm on about to fall. It did and I caught it before it could hit the ground. I think they noticed the noice and looked around.

Haruhi: What was that?
Tamiki: I don't know.

I smiled and wrote a note and dropped it. It fell in between my brothers and they looked at it. It said.

Honey sisterWhere stories live. Discover now