Page 2 [Craig POV]

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Cold. Why was this place always so fucking cold? I had been standing here for two hours now. Waiting outside of the old police station, i glanced around at my surroundings. Piles of snow on both sides of the street, Tweak Bros' Coffee shop just across the street. i bet it was warm in there. How was that place even still in business? Mr. Tweak died years ago and Tweek was in college, never missed a single class. I know he wasn't running it. It had been years since i even spoke to him last. After the fight we had back in Grade school. And we had gone to separate high schools. But of course that twitchy bastard ended up going to the same college as me...

Taking another glimpse at the worn down coffee shop, I spotted Tweek in the window. He was sitting with those Four goth idiots. Only three of the four were ACTUALLY  Goth. I mean come on. Firkle obviously is only goth because he wants to fit in.So he does not count.  He's been with that group since he was five. 

As i watched, I noticed that Tweek started to shake, tremble, and twitch. He still did that?Either way, I have to admit, they looked like they were being complete assholes. I watched as Pete ,with his stupid red-and-black hair, slammed Tweek's arm onto the table.

I thought i spotted a glare of emotion glint into Tweek's eyes from Pete i thought they were together? What the hell is Pete doing, treating him like that?

I got fed up and pushed myself away from the stone wall, preparing to go and stand up for that twitchy prick before i heard the sound of a motorcycle. Turning my attention to the source of the noise, i pressed my back against the cold wall once more.

Kenny took off his helmet; shaking his blonde, wispy hair. He parked the bike in front of me and leaned on it, holding it up with one foot. "Hey, hot stuff~" he cooed, smirking at me. I flipped him off, my signature move. I didn't want to talk to Kenny, he would distract me. "Well shit, i love you too" he muttered sarcastically.

It wasn't long, maybe a minute, before he followed my gaze to Tweek.

"He is goth now?..Faggot" I blinked at him.

"Kenny, dont call him a faggot. WE are 'faggots'," He looked at me as if i were stupid.

"Oh-...right.. I forgot we were dating." He chuckled nervously.

With that, i got pissed off and hopped onto the back of the bike. While sitting on back, Kenny could tell that he had pissed me off, 'cause he was quiet. I opened my mouth to speak before hearing the bell outside of the coffee shop jingle. I turned my attention, same for Kenny. I watched as Tweek and Pete stepped out of the warm coffee shop. Well... Pete dragged Tweek by the arm, getting into the Red-Goths car and driving away.

As the car sped by Kenny and I, I could see through the cars window that Pete was Yelling at Tweek, Whom was a twitching mess.

"Take me home...I have packing to do.." I mumbled. Kenny stayed quiet and we drove off.

Steam And Smoke (Crenny Fanfiction/Creek fanfiction/Southpark Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ