Chapter 16

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Scribble. Scribble



I stick the nineteenth parking ticket today between the windshield wiper and the glass of the blue car next to me. I've been doing this for five years now. The same old routine that lacks excitement but drives the strong emotion of anger to the recipient. But honestly, it's their fault for parking onto the sidewalk. And you see the sign right there literally saying 'NO PARKING' in front of it. The world that boast about getting smarter seems to grow more stupid everyday.

I look back at myself when I was younger, naively dreaming to become a cop that chases down bad guys, lock them up in jail, help solve mysteries along famous detectives and spreading justice throughout Vixen Vale. The little me would be running around with her gun made out of Legos chasing her sister around the house as she pretended to steal the silver spoons from the dinner table.  It was a dream and it stays a dream. I never got myself promoted up to that position, no matter how hard I tried.

But I want excitement, you know? I'm tired of doing this! So many times I've been tempted to just walk up to Chief Davis, hand him my badge and strut all the way home. But what other job is there for me? I had no other dream.

I sigh as I see the supposed owner walking towards his car; which I stand next to. His face is crimson and I see a rather timid lady walking behind him. He rips the ticket of from between the wiper and glass and glares at me. "I ain't paying this, ma'am."

I rub my forehead as I feel a headache coming on. "You have to sir. It's the law."

"I don't care if it's the damn law! I'm NOT paying this ticket."

"You will if you don't want anymore trouble, sir."

The lady comes and rest her hand on his arm. "Calm down Andrew. It's just one thousand dollars."

He yanks his hand away from her. "Shut up Edith. I'm paying. Not you. I have the job. Not You. I have the money. Not YOU. So don't you dare tell me it's just one thousand dollars!" She shrinks away immediately.

He turns back to me. "You're not getting any money from me, got it?"

"But sir..."

"I SAID NO! You people don't seem to understand that I got bills to pay. Food to buy. Things I need. What I don't need is a ticket demanding one thousand bucks!"


He interrupts me again.

"What are you police really doing? You aren't doing your jobs! Criminals are living among us, taking whatever they want and getting away from it while you stuff your guts with donuts for lunch! They are standing right in front of you but you're like a bunch of lazy bats. Look; you're standing on a criminal offense but don't realize it!"

"What are you talking about?" I ask, now puzzled.

He rolls his eyes and gesture to the ground. "The stupid symbol on the road, B*tch!"

Ignoring him, I look down. There it was,stretching from one side of the road to another, a large mural in bright orange, reading 'Ad Infinitum U.N.O 'with the 'O' as a strange symbol; a mashup of an 'A' , a lemniscate and the Omega. What is stranger are the bright orange words below it. Code names maybe?




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Quickly I grab my HT radio. This could be my break through.

"Chief, I suggest bringing a few officers and a detective. I got something on 573 46 Ave Vixen Vale FL32480. And boy, it's strange."


Yeah; it has been a long while. And I show up with a measly less than 1000 words. Terrible, am I?

Then I have the audacity to show up with with a question below.

Who is who in the codenames?

I would just like to thank those who chose to read. Right now I am very sad since school starts tomorrow. Yeah, school does this to me.

I don't like to curse. So when anyone curses it's a rarity.

Yes, Finley is a new character.

I like comments. And votes. So PLEASE, I AM BEGGING THE MERCIFUL, to read and share and comment!


-Corliss B

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