Words of Mine

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I am new to this. I may have started a few books here and there, never really finishing them. Some I have stopped right at the climax. Yes, it's like blasphemy to all those excellent writers and readers who believe in completion for a cause. But something always pops up in the universe's agenda for me, just like it's just fate that I am always paired with the same stupid partner for a project. At random.

This is my first. I can't be sure that there will be more books to come since I don't have some third eye to see the unseen. Sometimes I might be late for updates like any other just because my ideas come way too fast for me to catch. I am like the internet. There will be the stupid moments where I might move too slow or just crash. But don't worry. I will always come back to give results in 0.000333 seconds.

I am definitely not telling you to expect 100% from me all the time. Those who hate, I can't please everyone. (Not that I wouldn't​ try!) Those who may like, I am glad that you even took the time to read the book. Negative comments; I don't need them.There are different ways to put your point across without planning my death in detail.

I will try to update every fortnight. (Notice I said try ) I don't make promises. I don't like pulling pulling branches for fruit but have nothing to offer besides leaves. Dead leaves.

This story shall not be copied; including plots. This is punishable by law. If this story is viewed on any other website, tell me immediately!!

The pictures in this book came straight of the internet or was copied and edited on the internet. So, NO, I do not own the pictures in this book.

The Author, Corliss Barrera

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