Chapter 8

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" I think I like this arrangement, Dreads. Instead of me trying to find you for our daily appointments, you could reach me right here and get it over with. "

"I am not here for that and I think you are smart enough to know why."

"Actually NO, I DON'T KNOW-."

"Which leads me to the conclusion that the only thing your head is full of is void."

Man that dropped faster than a mike.

"Are you dissing me?" Lance laughs, releasing his grasp of the boy's t-shirt. This results in a another excruciating yelp as he drops heavily on the tiled floor.

Lance was holding him at quite a height.

Circe dashes over to the boy, I bet, to see if he was okay. I doubt it. His t-shirt was updating to the version of uneven red polka-dots. And that is never good unless you are dressing for Halloween as road-kill.

I avert my eyes back to Lance as he stands rather imposingly, with a look of composure. On Lance, it's a warning. It is an expression that is hard to read. You could never know what he might actually be spending time thinking about. However, with how things are going, I know. His thought is a speeding train on a one way track. And I'm tied to these tracks. We all know the outcome.

I ditch fate.

I have to untie my chords that restricts my limited freedom and jump of that track. I have to take care of Lance.

And just that phrase, opens another function in my brain; the mental face palm. And my brain is abusing this power.

'Do you have some death wish?' my brain screams.

'Today I do.' my heart responds coolly.

'This death isn't noble. I thought that you would realize your stupidity when you took your first step.'

' And that's the problem, ' Heart says, maybe turning her back, 'You think too much.'

Well, that settles it. Seems like I'll testing out my big guns on the captain of the football team. My description of big; referring to my muscles; mean zero to the zero power if possible.

You have the honor of preparing my eulogy.

"Do you have some plan or strategy?" asks a voice blowing into my ear. Talon. I always seem to forget his presence.

"No," I answer back with my eyes still trained on Lance," This is as far as my mind got."

Talon sighs. "I was hoping you wouldn't say that."

I glance back at him. "And I'm guessing you don't either, correct?"


I look to see Circe trying to hoist the boy to his feet. Her intentions must be to carry him to the nurse's office, but does she know the way? Yeah, she does.

"I have a feeling that you're trying to stand up to me," Lance smiles smugly, "But I must be wrong. You got tenfold of your treatment to Lorraine this morning. You should have learned."

"For the first time, you are actually correct on something," I shoot back, "Just that I have ignored your teachings."

"Then you really are stupid!"

"That's rich coming from you."

The color of crimson rushes to his face as his jaw visibly tenses. "So you're just gonna stand there? Too scared?"

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