Chapter 30|2|

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Time: 6:57 P.M

Setting: Flaming Fox Fest

Status: Running for my miserable life


My legs are still doing whatever they can to get me out of my mess fast enough. And for the first time, I might actually be faster than Talon; who pants like a thirsty dog. I would gloat, but I don't have enough breath for it.

"HEY!" yells a man, as I almost knock down his tower of food. I pay no heed and continue running amidst the crowd, high on adrenaline.

I detour us behind a tent that can serve its present purpose; to hide and to catch our breath.

"Well... that...was fun," I pant, smiling feebly. Talon glares at me.

Not wanting to ignite a fight, I turn from him and look at the fair from behind the tent. I quickly duck back behind when I see the carousel owner, puffing and stalking around with a scowl on his face, cursing the air.

"Are we safe?" Talon asks, sarcastically.

"Not presently." I sit down on the ground, still trying to get my breathing back to normal. He sits down beside me and we stare at the darkening sky. The first star is out, taking the initiative to start shining.

"I was named after that star," I voice.


"Yeah," I unwrap my last Dum Dum and put it in my mouth, relishing the flavor. Resting my hands behind my head, I begin, "My mom was having complications with the birth process and I was on the verge of dying with lack of oxygen. My birth was taking longer than expected. To ease his tension, my dad prayed upon that little nursery rhyme."

Talon perks up in interest. "What rhyme?"

"Starlight, star bright,

First star I see tonight,

I wish I may,

I wish I might,

Grant the wish,

I wish tonight."

"You're lying!"

"No lies," I chuckle, "Right after he sang that song, that star up there appeared and this girl was born."


"Yeah wow. Then thanks to Google, my dad found the name. Vesper. Evening star."

"Wow," Talon says again. "When my mom found out she was pregnant with us, she yelled, 'MISSION ABORT!'."

I laugh. "Harsh."

"Not as harsh as getting your name off Google." He snorts.

"It wasn't that bad," I get defensive but still laughing.

"Keep believing that."

Talon and I fall about into hysterics, rolling in the dust without care. I almost swallow my Dum Dum; stick and all. Talon pats my back, all the while laughing.

Eventually, the laughter fades out, leaving us staring at the winking stars that snuck into sight. I like this. I like this joking around, having fun. I like having a good laugh and falling into comfortable silence.

I like this.

I missed this.

"It suits you, you know."

I look at Talon whose eyes were swallowing up the sky. "What does?"

"Your name. Vesper. It suits you."

Unorthodox (BOOK 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon