Carrie: "Aw! Well it all depends on how busy the system is. But Benji will be home before his third birthday! So you guys can celebrate with him and we will throw him the party, he loves our little parties."

Carrie and Will both chuckle.

Will: "This is amazing, I am so excited."

Carrie: "I am excited too! I am really excited for you guys! Benji is fully potty trained now as well! I got him potty trained so he won't have any trouble for you guys!"

Will: "Aw, you didn't have to do that! RJ and I had been reading books on potty training!"

Will and Carrie chuckle.

Carrie: "He is officially potty trained and he wasn't hard to train! He's excited to be a big boy."

Will chuckles and smiles.

Will: "Aw. He is so stinking cute. How is he doing?"

Carrie: "Benji is doing really good! He is currently playing with some of the kids here. Would you guys like to visit with him today? If you don't, that's okay! I know RJ doesn't feel good."

Will: "Well, I'll see how RJ is doing first but I think Facetiming will be much better. I feel bad not seeing Benji though. I just don't want Benji to get sick."

Carrie: "That's totally fine! Don't feel bad! I completely understand! We had a stomach bug around here last week and we are all recovering."

Will and Carrie talk for a few more minutes and then the phone call is over. 

Will begins to make RJ chicken noodle soup and feeds Dobby.

"Your baby brother is coming home very soon, bud!" Will says as he kisses Dobby's head.

RJ walks slowly down the steps and Will smiles at him.

"Hey, babe. How are you feeling?" Will says as he kisses RJ's cheek.

"I am feeling better since taking the antibiotics. Thank you for taking care of me." RJ says as he hugs Will tightly.

"You're welcome, babe. Of course I'll take care of you. You are my everything and I love you." Will says as he kisses RJ's cheek.

"I love you too. I am starving. I hope I can keep this down." RJ says as he pets Dobby and then sits down in the kitchen.

"I hope you can too, babe. You look better." Will says as he smiles at RJ.

RJ and Will talk and eat breakfast together.

After eating breakfast, RJ sits on the couch and Will sits next to him. Will rubs RJ's shoulders and kisses his neck.

"That feels really good, thank you baby." RJ says as Will continues to rub RJ's shoulders.

"Ooo! I bought you something!" Will says as he hands RJ a package.

"Aw. Thank you, babe. What is it?" RJ asks as he opens the package.

"It's a shirt that I found and I had to get you." Will says with a big smile.

Shep689 OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora