Our Magic

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Love is something that is unexplainable
Something so different from everything else
That humans are capable of

Science can't explain love
It's something illogical and insane
That makes love our magic

I'm in love
Madly and deeply in love
Everyone considers me insanely in love

I love you despite all your errors and flaws
I love the magic you possess in your soul
And how it lights up the magic in mine

Even if you didn't love me back
Even if we weren't the way we are right now
I'd still be addicted to the magic that is your heart

Everyone of us possesses this magic
And the second we connect to it
We fade away into our own happiness

Our love is like a little universe of our own
So beautiful and mysterious and unexplainable
A rarity in its own way

Love is like the eye of a hurricane
The equanimity and beauty in the center
Masks away the storm of the Earth around you

We are basking in the sunlight when we're in love
The rest of the world whirl-winding around us
It truly is our magic

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