People Tell Me To

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People tell me to keep dreaming
Keep expecting
Keep looking on the bright side
Keep guessing my future

But why should I expect something that I don't even know anything about?
Why should I look up to something I can't see?
If looking on the bright side will be make life better, than how will I ever fix anything?
How will I create change if all I look at are the things that should stay the same?

People tell me to be like everyone else
To be someone ordinary who feels extraordinary
And people want me to go outside and find more ordinaries
Saying that they will shape me into someone normal

Why would I want to be everyone else?
Wouldn't I want to be extraordinary but feel ordinary?
Wouldn't I want to stop impressing and start improving lives?
Shouldn't I want to shape into someone unique?

People tell me to go to college one day
To become a doctor or a lawyer for a good job
Spend money and time and life to become proper
And to dream of my riches from doing so

Why would you want me to go if you're just going to make me suffer?
Can't I go to become what I desire to be?
Can't I spend money and time and life to learn and grow?
Can't I dream of a better world?

People tell me to listen to them
Because they know me better than me
Because the rest of the world lives their lives the same
Because everyone has rules that keep them free

Why should I live my life amongst your expectation?
How could you know my every thought if you only know my lies?
Do you really believe everyone is fortunate enough for food, money, and school?
Don't you realize society's rules have turned you into a slaving machine?

I tell you to find a real dream.
I tell you to do something that will matter longer than your life.
I tell you to focus on the currency of education and love and change instead of money.
I tell you to get up and be what you want.

Don't always do
What people tell you to

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