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There was a girl
Her name was Kiera
She had gorgeous green eyes
And her skin was like shiny dark leather

Kiera was an artist
Who dreamed of travel
She sold paintings of her dream places
To earn as much as she could

People didn't buy her paintings because
They didn't want to help a "poor ghetto girl"
They couldn't look for a second to see
That her home was in the same place as theirs

Kiera loved her long frizzy hair
She loved ponytails
She loved yellow polka dot dresses
And she loved coffee

People told Kiera
That those things were not for her
That she should cut her hair and put it in pigtails
That she should wear ripped clothes

Kiera didn't fall in love much
She liked to be alone
But people thought from the way she looked
She must always be visiting people's homes

Kiera felt so hated
She couldn't understand why
What was wrong with how she looked?
She thought that maybe she shouldn't even try

Then a boy came along
Bought a painting or two
Told her he loved her yellow dresses
And that he enjoyed coffee too

He told her there was nothing wrong with her
That she was beautiful in his eyes
That it was okay to want to be alone
That she has no reason not to try

And so Kiera spent her life
Slowly achieving her dreams
The boy was there too
Helping her with everything

She traveled where she wanted
And became who she wanted to be
She became proud of her looks
And didn't care about the ways other see

The Waves of Clementine حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن