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Mom told me when I was little
That everyone is a princess
And I truly believed her
I wore dresses and jewels
And I lived in a world of fairytale

I grew up a little less mystical
Sucked into worlds of video games and movies
Wearing blouses and leggings
Still believing I was a princess

But we all grow up at one point
When we feel like we no longer deserve
To have a crown on our heads
To claim a kingdom to ourselves

I was told to grow up and behave
To stop dreaming about beauty and change
That chubby girls aren't princesses
That brown girls aren't princesses

But a princess doesn't give up her land
She fights for her kingdom
She does good on her throne
She governs and changes on her own

A true princess knows
A diamond is a diamond regardless of shape
A child is a child regardless of their shade of skin
And that every person, boy or girl, is royalty

Everyone in the world has a kingdom
Living in their mind
So dream big and be kind to others
Wear your crown and sit on your throne in pride

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