The Nightmare

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Oh God Why
I did everything I could
To be good
And yet you killed me
You killed me


This is hell
I am stuck in a room
Of absolute darkness
The smallest red light
In the form of a drop
Falling from a sky
I feel blood
Thick and Red
Slowly from my head


I feel you
And your claws
Slowly carving
A skull on my back
I feel the ground
Turning into deep water
And as it slowly sinks me in
I try to swim
But the water won't let me


I feel angels watching
The ones from heaven
Telling me that it's my fault
That I deserve to drown
That I'm a sinner
That I should die


I feel myself remembering
My short life
How they slapped me and hit me
How he made my cry
How he broke my heart
How I broke my spirit
I did nothing
And maybe that's the sin


I wake up
I'm not dead
I am more alive than ever
Tears drop down my eyes
Not tears of light
But tears of fear
I realize now
What I was scared of


Will I die alone
Will people keep hurting
If I do nothing
Or will doing something
Make everything worse
Maybe it's time
To face my truth
My real nightmare

You cannot hurt me
You cannot kill me
I won't let you
I don't deserve death
I am no sinner
And I will not let you
Make me one
I am wide awake
And I will never return
To the blindness
Of the Nightmare

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