Just a normal day

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Chapter 19

We were walking towards the airplane door. Finally the tour is going to start. Once we sat in our seats I took Harry's phone and he didn't bother to take it away from me.

We were in a private jet and it was pretty cool. It's like my third time in an airplane.

I opened Harry's phone to see twitter but Harry took the phone away.

"Hey!" I said with a hurtful look.

"No! No twitter for you," he said putting the phone in his back pocket.

"But, why?" I said whining.

"Because sweetheart, people write things that can hurt you and nothing hurts me more than seeing you down. I don't want that," he said caressing my face.

"What do they say?" I said worried.

"Does it matter? We're happy. I don't want anything in the way of our happiness," he said kissing my temple and going back to sleep.

"Yes, I suppose we are," I said cuddling into him and closing my eyes.

Once I knew Harry was asleep I took his phone and opened twitter.

@1drulemyworld: who is this girl. She's so ugly. I don't understand why Harry want her.

Oh wow thank you.

@mrsstealyourboy: @1drulemyworld actually they make an amazing couple. I think Maria means no harm, so it's best to just leave them alone.

I smile at that tweet and give that girl a follow, making her day because this is Harry's account.

I fall asleep shortly smiling at the thought that there are some fans that actually have a brain.


"Maria," I felt a shove.

"It's not like that Harry," I squeaky voice said.

"Maria!!!!" someone screamed in my ear.

"Ahhh!! Louis you're dead!!" I said bolting up but someone caught me by the waist.

"Let me go Harry! He has to die!!" I said wriggling in his grip.

"But I don't want him dead," he said putting a puppy face.

I sighed in defeat "Fine."


This is just a filler.

Homeless (Harry styles fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant