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Horror movie reactions

As you two were watching the horror movie a jumpscare appeared and you two screamed then laughed it off like it was nothing, you scooted closer to him as he held you close

You knew he was terrified of horror movies yet he said you two would watch one any way! The movie was half-way through, with many screams, tight hand squeezing and the occasional hiding his face in a pillow you decided to exit the movie and put on Bolt instead he looked at you almost about to cry as he hugged you

He didn't care much for horror movies, but he watched one with you to make you feel better, you warned him this one was pretty spooky and he shrugged it off. As you two watched it you were pretty fascinated while he sat there writing down flaws and different story outcomes (Matpat fucking junior over here XD)

He and you loved horror films, your favorite together are the Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th series of movies. You two rented a newer horror movie and started to watch it, you only flinched a couple of times, mostly cause of the blood, but nevertheless you two cuddled and enjoyed the movie

You and him were a bit debatable at times, and when it comes it movies, yea, it is always debatable, you won over a Disney movie and you two watched a horror film, Roman hated those, they were too dark for his taste, you only laugh when he says that. You two watched the horror movie and you hugged him tightly when a jumpscare appeared, he scoffed and held you close, you smiled and you two enjoyed the horror movie

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