Preference 4

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You awake crying which startles Thomas awake, you tell him about the nightmare and he hugs you tightly as he softly sings you a lullaby or your song. You smile as you tell him you love him and he tells you he loves you so much, you then fall asleep holding each other closely

You awake screaming almost making Patton fall off the bed, he quickly questions you if you're okay, are you hurt, was it a Creepy Crawly Death Dealer?
You looked at him crying telling him you had a nightmare you were about to tell him about it when he put a cookie in your mouth shushing you, he then kissed your forehead and turned on the TV and watched his favorite episode of SpongeBob the Camping one, you giggled as he sang along to the Campfire Song Song

You woke up quickly and hurriedly woke Logan. He looked at you and asked what happened you explained and he told you that it wasn't real, that dreams are just figments that we put in our head, most are based off things we saw before, you smiled and called him Mr. Know-it-all and he snickered holding you close, kissing the top of your head. You smiled and soon fell asleep in his grasp

He noticed how you were tossing and turning as you whimpered in your sleep, he realized you were probably having a nightmare. He gently picked you up and held you close as he whispered it's okay, he soon softly sang You are my Sunshine to you, which soon calmed you and you two fell asleep holding each other

You woke up quickly breathing fast which caught the attention of Roman, he woke up shouting, I will save you my Prince(ss)! And you held him tightly crying and shaking, he sighed and reassured you were okay, he turned on your favorite Disney movies and you two fell asleep watching it

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