Preference 8

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His good morning text to you

Hey beautiful/handsome (choose your preferred one), good morning, I hope to see you later, maybe catch some brunch?

Hey, hey!! Morning kiddo! I really need to find a better name for you still, maybe Cupcake? YeA! That's adorable!! Morning Cupcake! There's some cookies downstairs, made them myself!

Good morning and salutations Nerd, I hope when you wake up this morning this text will give you a smile, you should always smile it's beautiful on you

Morning Sunshine ♡ remember to smile, cause it truly brightens my day, and it never fails to do so my love

Ah! Good morning my fair Princess/Prince (again you choose your preferred one) I shall be coming around soon to take you out for a nice breakfast, see you soon, love you

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