Ares and Apollo argue. Artemis is so done

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Im just gonna put all of my random Apollo and Artemis stuff here

"My bow is a million times better than your idiotic sword!" Apollo boasted to Ares, a mischievous glint in the Sun god's bright eyes.

"It is not!" Ares resorted, a snarl on his ever so angry mug. Rage and disbelief filled the war gods booming voice. Everything about Ares screamed danger, but Apollo just laughed. Poking fun at his siblings was entertaining....

Despite the danger it caused.

Ares and Apollo faced each other, mischief in Apollo's eyes and a burning fire in the others. The look on Apollo's face looked almost Herme-like. This wasn't going to end well.

"Is too! My bow is WAY more badass that your measly sword" Apollo chimed, his voice sing songy and not at all scared. "All you can do is awing it around, just you wait! Projectiles will be the next big weapon!"

"Hot head!" Ares bickered, unable to come up with a good insult. Or comeback. He WAS joked to be all brawn and no brains after all. Maybe that was more.correct than it seemed.

"No head!" Apollo, glared at Ares mischievously, his insult somewhat better than Ares's. SAres snarled at him, going to charge, but Apollo drew his bow and shot at Ares, the glistening golden arrow catching the enraged war god in the arm.

"Ow!" Ares screamed in pain, his eyes somehow burning brighter. "You're dead, Apollo!" The war god screamed.

Apollo threw his hands in the air exasperatedly. "Seriously! You and Artemis both! I'm a god! You're a god! We're ALL gods! We can't die!"

Artemis rolled her eyes from the sidelines. They were ridiculous.

Ares charged him, but Apollo was fast on his feet and jumped out of the way before Ares got anywhere close to catching him. Hermes would have been proud.

"Ares can't catch me.

He is such a total wimp.

I am awesome-er." Apollo recited, laughter in his voice.

"Get back here, Apollo!" Ares screamed.

Artemis almost laughed at the sight of her younger brother running around Olympus chased by Ares. They were total idiots.

Ares eventually caught up to him, he had been gradually catching up to the sun god as he ran, they had circled back to about twenty feet from Artemis. Ares yelled and thrust his sword forward, the blade going straight through the sun god's body.
For a moment, it didn't register in Apollo's mind. He looked down and he saw the sword protruding from about where his right lung was. He felt no pain, only shock. But then it did and all he was aware of was that he was falling, and it hurt. A scream tore through Apollo's lips but was blocked by ichor spewing out of his mouth. He heard Ares say something. He didn't quite catch it though, he was a little preoccupied with the sword embedded in his body. He was on his knees now, his scream having tuned into pained whimpers and choked coughs. Ichor bubbled up in his throat and he couldnt breath. Ares, being the asshole he was, twisted the sword full circle. Apollo felt an involuntary cry of agony escape him, he kept screaming as Ares turned it again but the opposite direction. His screams turned to sobs when Ares put a foot on his back and pushed him down as he pulled out his sword, Apollo face planted in the dirt.

Artemis watched in horror as Ares proceeded to kick Apollo in the side. For a moment, she felt panicked. But then she remembered that they were immortal. (how could she forget?) He would be fine in a few hours... Days... He wasn't one of her hunters. Her brother wouldn't die from a stab wound. "Told you!" Ares screamed angrily before stomping off, leaving Apollo in a growing pool of Ichor.

She jogged over to her brother and knelt next to him, his eyes met hers and he managed a weak smile, but it turned into a grimace of pain quickly. She knew he would be fine, but that didn't help matters. "You want help getting back to your place?" She asked, already knowing the answer. He nodded weakly, He gasped in pain as she attempted to pull him into a sitting position. He choked back a scream. His nails digging into his skin. Ichor dripped out of his mouth. Tears gathered in his eyes and she felt worry bubble inside of her. Pointless worry but worry nonetheless. Golden ichor had by now soaked the ground around them. Apollo looked about as dangerous as a kitten right now. She teleported them to his palace..

Artemis propped Apollo up on a chair, He had blacked out a few seconds ago. She worked on dressing the wound, his normally tan skin the exact color of milk. It was rather curious actually. She carried him back to his bed and dumped him on it. Well, more like set down gently.. He didn't wake up, she figured he would be out at least until sunrise tomorrow. (if not, Zeus would come and scream at him to wake up) But she had a war god to murder right now. She sighed melodramatically, time to murder Ares, or at least some of his pets.

The Not-So-Sunny Sun God [An Artemis And Apollo Story]Where stories live. Discover now