Mountain Goat

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The Mountain Goat is an alpine inhabitant of the Northwest Rocky Mountains in the USA and Canada. There they prefer the rain, Western side of the mountains. The snow-white animals are closely related to the Chamois, and like them prefer to be in groups. They do not particularly like to jump, though, and are rather slow and deliberate animals. Nonetheless, they are unsurpassed climbers. These exceedingly sturdy animals tend to be loyal to their native area and are very well-adapted to environment. They find their nourishment in the alpine meadows, where they graze on grass, moss, lichen and the leaves of small shrubs. Only in severe winters do they descend to somewhat lower altittudes.
The hunt for their winter fur and for their fine wool, has reaulted in the finer than the famous cashmere wool, has resulted in the serious decline of some populations.
Today, Mountain Goats have been placed under strict protection and their numbers are slowly increasing again.

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