chapter fifteen: lunch.

Start from the beginning

"oh, okay. yeah, i'll go! that sounds like fun! thanks, corey," i smiled.

"no problem. now go get back to your boyfriend," he wiggled his eyebrows as i laughed and walked out the door.


*colby's pov*

i woke up to having the wind knocked out of me by stephanie, who must have jumped on me, seeing as i couldn't breathe and she was laying across my lap.

"oh-oh my g-god," i tried to regain my breath. "what the hell, steph?" i asked, laughing a bit and looking at her giggling face.

"i had to wake you up so i could tell you i'm going to utah with you in two days."

"oh crap, i totally forgot i was going! i was going to ask you, but i forgot, i'm so sorry-"

"it's fine, colby, calm down. corey invited me and i decided that it'd be fun to go on a trip with my friends," she cut me off.

"and your boyfriend."

"yes, and my boyfriend." she smiled at me.

we sat there for a second and i just stared into her eyes with a goofy smile plastered on my face. her eyes were so complex- they were a deep brown, almost the color of root beer. they had golden flecks and slight red tinges throughout, and anyone i've ever met that said brown eyes were boring can suck it, because they totally weren't.

"colby, you're staring."

"i know." i winked, causing her to scrunch up her nose and laugh again.


"okay, i think i'm all done," she said, zipping up her small suitcase of clothes and putting it on her floor next to the bed.

"we aren't leaving until tomorrow," i reminded her.

"it's okay to be prepared, colby." she playfully glared in my direction and i threw up my arms in surrender.

"sorry," i chuckled.

"i'm hungry, do we have any pasta downstairs? i'm in the mood for spaghetti," she stated, making her way down the stairs, me following close behind.

she searched through the cabinets to find no pasta.

"dude, how come there's no garlic or butter or practically anything to cook with?" she looked through the fridge with a sad look on her face.
"i think we need to go food shopping."

she grabbed her wallet and phone and slipped on her converse as she walked out the door. i was still in sweatpants and a t-shirt, and she was in leggings and my black sweatshirt, but it's Ralph's. no one will care.

she hopped into her car and i sat in the passenger seat, and we drove off into crazy slow LA traffic.

"i love LA, but its traffic makes me want to die." she states.

i laughed and she kept driving, eventually pulling into the parking lot. she turned the car off and got out, waiting for me and walking in.

"okay, so i'm gonna need a box of spaghetti, some garlic, butter, olive oil, and some red pepper flakes. we have salt in the house, right?" she asked me while i followed her around as she threw everything into the basket she picked up.

"yeah, that's one thing we do keep."

"okay, good. that's pretty much all i need."

she walked up to the register and paid for the basket full of lunch, and walked out to the car and placed the bag in the backseat. conveniently as i sat down in my seat, i received a call from sam.

"hey man," i greeted, answering the call. 

"yo, dude, where are you?" he asked.

"i'm getting in the car with steph, we're leaving Ralph's right now. she got some food for lunch."

"oh, okay. you left without saying anything, so i got a little worried. didn't want you to be kidnapped," he laughed on the other side of the call.

"i promise i'm not. we're coming home now, so be hungry."

"okay, no problem. see you soon dude!"

"bye sam!" i replied, pressing the red button.

"sam's hungry, let's get home so you can make me lunch!" i pushed, making her smile as she pulled out of the parking lot. 


i sat at the counter while stephanie cooked up a storm. she was making the sauce to put on top of the now cooked pasta, sitting in its pot. she put a chunk of butter and a bit of oil into a hot pan, letting it melt, then putting in some salt and other yummy things.

"it smells delicious, what's cooking down he-PASTA!" sam yelled the second he walked in the kitchen.

"what, do you like pasta?" steph laughed.

"i haven't had pasta in forever, oh my god i'm so excited, finish up i'm hungryyy!" he whined.

"it's almost done, just let me mix it up."

she poured the sauce over the spaghetti and used a pair of tongs to mix it throughout. she grabbed three bowls from the cabinet and put some in, placing forks in them and sliding them to us.

i twirled some into my fork and took a bite and moaned, almost sexually.

"oh my god, this is so good," i grunted, shoveling it into my face.

"don't get too excited, colby." sam said and they shared a look and laughed, leaving me in an awkward spot.

"i'm allowed to enjoy food, alright?" i said defensively.

"yes, colby, you are. now finish up, because me and sam can't stand to hear you have imaginary sex with the pasta i made you." she giggled and high-fived sam.

"dicks." i smiled, making them laugh even harder.

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