Knowing Him

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The light of the sun slipped though the curtains and blinded my newly opened eyes. My body was trapped under Cody's, not that I mind. He passed out last night after out "talk."

He spelt everything to me.


From his fake dating issues to his sister almost being raped.

He laid it out on the table for me to soak up.

I was in utter shock. All the shit he has been through is crazy!

I envy his strength.

When it got rough, he stood tall to be a shoulder to cry on.

I couldn't have done that. I would have crumbled with the rest of them.

My eyes shifted to the innocent but damned boy laying peacefully on top of me. He looked so young, he didn't have the stress wrinkles or the harden jaw like he did when he was awake.

In his dreams, he could hide from the truth. The truth that he was lost in fear. That he was scared of his own shadow.

I study people too much, but that comes in handy sometimes. Like now. Last night I noticed how he was always watching he's back, flinching at all sudden movements.

Someone's after him, I plan on finding that someone and ending them.

Cody doesn't deserve all that fear. He did nothing to deserve it.

Yes I do the same as him, but I caused myself to have this fear. I created all my demons.

Cody stirred in his sleep. His face began to show fear. He began to shake. He's peaceful sleep became a nightmare.

I shook him awake.

"Cody, you were having a nightmare," I spoke concerned.

"I'm fine. It happens a lot," he shrugged it off.

The door to the room opened to reveal Gabriel. He's eyes landed on us in the bed, making them grow wide. Cody and I laughed knowing what he was thinking.

Cody was the first to speak up,"Not what you think bro."

"Doesn't matter, Makayla is waiting for you in the kitchen," Gabe spoke.

I nodded as I got up and left the room. My bare feet took me to the kitchen to stand in front of me best friend.

"Logan is pissed at you," Makayla snapped.

"What? Why?," I was so confused.

Makayla laughed," he saw you with Cody."

"Nothing happened. We just talked," I breathed.

"I'm not the one you need to be explaining it to."

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He left the minute he saw you and Cody together."

I'm not in the mood to go running after lover boy. He'll come crawling back sooner or later.

"I'll deal with him later."

Makayla and I walked out of Gabe's to the taxi.

"Why are you such a bitch to Logan? We both know he is head over heels for you," Malayla spoke to me as we headed for my house.

"I'm not. He gets me what I want and he's always around when I need him. Our relationship is perfect. No strings attached," I spoke not really caring.

Makayla started to get pissed,"That's what you think and feel. It's not the same for him anymore and you know it."

"I'm done talking about it," I mouthed before getting out of the taxi.

"Gosh dammit, Loren. Do you not see what your doing to yourself and anyone who is close to you?" Makayla yelled as she began her journey home.

Frustration got to me as I slammed the door closed behind me as I ran up to my room. Ramming through my closet I found my stash. I lit a joint, breathing deep in and out. My lungs filled and exhaled as my body and mind unwound.

"I see your still up to no good." A voice spoke to me.

The voice was owned by Seth.

"How the hell did you get here?" I yelled.

"I'm a criminal, I have my ways," he smirked.

"Why can't you just leave me along, forever?" I spoke.

"The gang misses you. We also miss Logan. Why don't you come back?" He took two steps closer to me.


The silence filled my room as foot steps walked up the stairs.

"Who did you bring with you?" I questioned.

He snarled,"I came alone."


I grabbed the gun that was underneath my bed and pointed it at the door.

Before you ask," why do you have a gun?" I'm an x-criminal, I have many enemies. I used to be in Seth's gang. I would sell drugs, kill whoever owed, and would make a few bombs here and there. Plus I'm a girl and need to protect myself.

My brother walked in the room and my stomach dropped.

"Loren, why do you have a gun? Who is this? What is that smell?" Jacob asked as he look wearily at me.

"I thought you were an intruder. This is an old friend and he smells weird," the lie flew through my mouth.

"Are you back into that gang again? The gang that killed Jewels?" Jacob growled.


Finally updated. Damn I suck at updating, I'm sorry😭

Bad Girl Good Reputation  (A Cody Simpson Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें