Ch. 20 The priest - a lamb or a beast?

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"She felt sick." we all turned around and saw Michael approaching us. He had his hands in the pockets of his pants, an evil smile on his face and was walking slowly, yet gently like a cat.

Daniel made a face as soon as he saw him "Here comes Casanova..." he whispered to himself.

"Are you feeling better now, YN?" he stopped in front of me and winked secretly.
"We should go home now. You need to rest." he said. "Mr. Derek, we haven't met before!" he looked at him. "It's nice to meet you." and extended his hand for a shake. Derek took it and said
"It's nice to meet you too. You're YN's cousin, right?"
"I sure am." he looked at me, but not in a cousin way "Let's go, YN."
"Actually I.. would like to stay with Jess. We haven't seen each other properly in like a week or so." his facial expression became gloomy "May I?" I asked softly.
"Yes." his answer was obviously no, but he didn't want to lose it in front of people. "Just be back before 10pm." I nodded my head.
"Jess, you will take good care of her, won't you?" he looked at her and she begun melting under his stare like an ice cream.
"Of course, Michael." she smiled big for him and licked her lips. She was taking his clothes off with her eyes.
"Thank you dear. Buy, guys." he turned around and left.

"He called me dear..." Jess whispered. "He's so hot! Look at his ass! Damn..." she licked her lip.
"Stop it Jess!"
"Okay okay.. you don't need to get so angry!" she replied.

If she only knew the real Michael and the bad things he did to me...

Daniel gave me one strange look which I ignored. He probably got jealous of Michael... If I were a man, I'd get that way too because he is so damn hot.

"Kids!" Mr. Derek suddenly exclaimed "It's over! People are starting to come out and there's the priest too! Now is our chance. Let's go!" I pushed everything out of my mind trying to concentrate on the conversation we were about to have with the priest for it was very important.

The three of us walked over to him and waited for the perfect moment to talk to him since he was surrounded by people. They were asking questions, talking about God and their everyday lives, laughing, having fun.. if they only knew who were they talking to.

We had to wait for like half an hour, but finally managed to speak to him just before he was about to leave.

"Mr. Priest!" Jess yelled "Please wait! We have a... questions about God." he turned around and said
"Sure my child! You can ask me anything! YN, hello. Daniel, you were here today.. this is something knew, but I'm very happy you chose to visit God's home!" he smiled.
"Yeah.. I did." he said.
"Mr. Derek, hello."
"Hello..." Derek greeted back. We were all focused on starring at him and I think he kind of noticed that.
"So what was your question, Jessica?"
"I ah..." I was sure she was making something up right now "I was wondering.. I mean, we were wondering if a person commits a terrible sin... could they still be forgiven?" great topic, Jess! Oh boy..does that werewolf have sins...
"Of course! If the person repents from within their heart and decides to walk in the righteous path, then God will forgive! God is forgiving! He loves us all!" he nodded his head. He did look innocent... like a lamb.
"Even if it is a terrible sin.." I jumped in "like to murder someone or many people?"
"Wow wow... what kind of question is that? But God will forgive, of course. If the person repents, but they will also have to face the consequences in front of the state and-" he went on talking but I focused on his eyes.

They were dark brown and sparkled in cold undertones. This reminded me of the werewolf for I have looked it in the eyes and I am the only person who knows. His hair was black like the fur of the werewolf and his body looked athletic too. I was almost sure, he was the damn beast.

Beast in a lamb.

"Oh I see..." Jess replied "Thank you for answering."
"Any time!" he replied "I'd love to see you more often in the church from now on! And God will be even happier!" he gave us that fake smile once more.
"Yeah.. sure." Daniel said "So... can we have like some kind of lucky charms from God.." he cleared his throat "to protect us from.." and whispered the word "the werewolf." and focused on the priest's expression. So did I. Daniel got him right where we wanted. Let's see what he was going to say now, that he knew that we knew about his dirty secret.
"What..?" he said.
"The beast in the forest. The werewolf..." Daniel said again. The priest looked at us, arched his brows and pretended he didn't know anything about it.
"What werewolf? You kids really have huge imagination..."
"But you believe in God and the Devil, right?" I said.
"Yes, I do!"
"Then why won't you believe that the Devil might have sent its beast to hunt us all..." he let out an awkward laugh.
"The Devil doesn't work like this anymore, kids... Anyway, I have to go now. " so he quickly decided to leave. He was the werewolf alright. "I hope I'll see you again next Sunday." and with this he headed for his car. We waited for him to leave and headed for Mr. Derek's place to talk.

We didn't want to talk outside since if someone was to overhear our conversations, it was going to be over with us.

"It's him alright." Daniel said once we sat down in Derek's living room. We all nodded.
"Did you see how scurried when the topic got heated?" Jess said.
"Mr. Derek, did you look into his eyes?" I asked.
"Yes, I did."
"Do you think there is a resemblance?"
"Yes, I do. They were brown and cold... like the moon. What about you?"
"Me too. I think it's him."
"We have to catch him before he turns into a werewolf, kids. This is very important, because now he knows that we know who he really is and he might try to hurt us! I don't care about me that much.. I'm old, but you.. "
"Don't talk like that Mr. Derek!" Jess said "We are not gonna leave you alone! Besides, we can't catch him without you!"
"She is right!" I said. Mr. Derek really started feeling like a friend to us, even thought he was old. This werewolf story somehow brought us together. I felt as if he was my dead grandpa! On top of that, poor old man didn't have any friends or family in this town!
"Thank you, kids! I appreciate it very much, but you have to be very careful. Keep your eyes open. He might try anything! He doesn't need to be the werewolf to kill us!" we all nodded. "Not only the werewolf, but the man who is the werewolf is very strong as well. Be extra cautious!"
"So what are we gonna do now?" Daniel asked "How are we gonna kill him.
"Under this house in the basement.. I have a special room." Derek begun "I once built it just in case to protect myself from the beast. My mind wasn't at ease... all this years and I was right. I have a very strong, big cage and I thought I'd lock myself up in it, in case the beast appeared again."
"Wow... you're really cool, Mr. Derek! Why didn't you say so earlier!?" Daniel asked. "You have a cage.. damn I want one too! I can throw a party in your basement and we can take selfies in the cage and put 'em on facebook and-"
"This is not the time for it! Listen now, before the full moon appears, we need to somehow lure him into my house, down into the basement and lock him up!"
"Why can't we just kill him?" Daniel asked.
"Because I'm afraid we might be wrong! What if he's not the werewolf?!"
"He sure is!" Jess said "Just look at him!"
"This life has thought me to expect anything from it! We'll watch him transform to make sure it's him and then kill him!"
"One question, Derek.." Jess said
"Do ask!"
"Aren't you too old to kill beasts?"
"I may look old, but my soul is young!" he said with pride.
"Aham, great. I just think you should be careful..."
"Don't worry. I'll be more than happy to finish what I had started in the winter of 1953."
"One more question..." this time I said.
"Do you know how to kill a werewolf?" I asked because he obviously failed the first time.
"Child, I have no idea."
"Great..." Daniel sarcastically said.
"But I'm almost sure that those gypsies know something about killing beasts. Prepare kids, after a few hours we are entering the forest to meet with them..."

Keep reading to find out what's gonna happen! :) Now I'll focus on updating Mafia Don since you guys like it so much, then it's Dracula and Silver Sins and if I have time, I'll update my imagine book! Love you :*

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