* .✧ synopsis + notes

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AFTER THE SNAP, THE AVENGERS WERE DESTROYED. Torn between the grief they felt for those who had fallen and the guilt they carried for those they had failed, they become lost. Desperate. Every plan they come up with isn't enough. Nothing is enough. Even trying to move on feels like going backwards.

Until the missing variable in their equation enters the picture and asks a simple question - what if their world couldn't be saved from within? What if the only way to save it was to step out of it... and into the multiverse?

What if six women were stronger than six stones?

Enter the multiverse, mutants and madness.

Enter the fight of their lives; the war to save all life.

The only two truly inevitable things?

There's no end in this game.

Because it's time for the Mistresses to undo some distress.


I do not own any Marvel characters
or places that appear in this story.
They're property of Marvel,
Stan Lee and other creators,
so all rights reserved to them.
I only own the plot of this story
and my own characters.


violence, blood and gore;

mature humor;

suggestive themes;

strong language and

some fondueing

(if your name is

Steve Rogers, maybe

you shouldn't read this)


This story is a reinvention of Endgame because I was unhappy with how some things turned out, mainly Natasha's sacrifice, Tony's death and Steve's ending. This is my attempt to redo their story.

Besides, mutants exist in this universe, and there's no way they would let things end the way they did, so I'm exploring how the world post the Snap would be if they were in it. 

Also, characters and relationships from my 'The Wolverine & The Black Cat' story will appear in this one, but you do not need to read that story to understand and enjoy this one as I will explain things naturally over the course of the story. And if you have any questions, just ask :)


I know how problematic Amber Heard is, but I first imagined her as Felicia Hardy back in 2014 and now unfortunately I can't picture her as anyone else. This does not by any means mean that I stand by Amber or her actions. I'm simply picturing HER FACE as Felicia, nothing more (moreover, I'm even just picturing her character in 3 Days To Kill as Felicia). If the casting makes you uncomfortable, I completely understand. However, you're free to picture Felicia as whoever you want - that's what fiction and imagination are for :)


Welcome everyone :) Thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy reading this story! Also, feel free to leave comments, votes, suggestions, doubts... constructive criticism is always welcome!

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[ cover made by veingeances ]

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